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Hidden Gems: Local Businesses & Creatives You Should Know

Every day we have a choice. We can support an up and coming podcaster, try a new family-run restaurant, join a boutique gym started by a local fitness champ or we could keep giving away our money to the handful of giants who already control so much of our commerce. Our daily decisions impact the kind world we live in; if we want a world where small businesses are growing and artists and creatives are thriving then we should support them with our time, money and attention. We’re proud to highlight inspiring creatives and entrepreneurs each week in Hidden Gems series. Check out some of our latest local gem features below.

Susan Delacruz

Her specialities include treatments for anti-aging, signs of stress and acne-prone skin types working with the high quality skin care products in the market . Her Sessions are always tailored to individual needs and guaranteed to get you on the right path to looking and feeling your best! . It’s an experience! Read More>>

Gabriela Pino & Dominique Farinas, Aprn

In the vibrant city of Miami, where beauty meets innovation, the dynamic duo of Gabriela Pino and Dominique Farinas, APRN, have emerged as pioneers in the world of aesthetics and wellness. Their inspiring journey began at a previous practice in Miami, where their shared passion for beauty and empowering others brought them together. United by a common vision, they joined forces to open Korra Aesthetics in March 2024, a sanctuary dedicated to enhancing beauty and well-being. Read More>>

Sergio Torres

I navigated the maze of middle school and high school in Miami, absorbing the diverse culture and opportunities the city had to offer. Pursuing my passion for communication, I earned an associate degree in Mass Communication from Miami Dade College, laying the groundwork for my future. From there, I transitioned into Hospitality and Tourism Management, completing my bachelor’s degree at Florida International University. The vibrant world of hospitality fueled my desire to connect with people and understand their needs. Read More>>

Dre Baldwin

Despite these humble beginnings, my focus remained on playing professional basketball. In 2005, I saved up to attend an exposure camp in Orlando, Florida—a job fair for aspiring pro athletes. After a grueling 19-hour drive from Philly, I played my heart out, earning a positive scouting report and crucial game footage. This exposure camp was a turning point. With the VHS tape of my performance, I cold-called 60 basketball agents, and after sending my footage to 20 of them, one agreed to represent me. Within six weeks, I landed my first professional contract in Lithuania. Read More>>

Olivier Robert

Then started to have interest for the flyboard. Now I’ve been teaching the flyboard for the last 9 years in Miami, I started with my friend’s company and then I started my own company 3 plus years ago. We’re teaching flyboard, flyboard tandem with kids, doing tubing and boat charter. And now it’s been 2 years we’re also doing Flyboard performance (Aquashow). Read More>>

Thibault Hubert

A few years ago, I was presented with an opportunity to move to the U.S. as a sales manager for Seanapps Beneteau. This was a big step, not just professionally, but personally as well. The move wasn’t just about changing locations; it was about diving into a new culture, learning to navigate a different business environment, and building a life in a place where everything was both exciting and unfamiliar. Read More>>

Tiara Lyn

I wouldn’t call it smooth but being an entrepreneur does have its days in the beginning I wasn’t really consistent I must say I doubted myself a lot . It was days I made a lot of sales then some days I didn’t make any sales at all off course me being a first time business owner I was very discouraged because of that social media plays a big part in entrepreneurship but after a while you realize success doesn’t happen overnight you have to start from somewhere . Read More>>

Lena Mali

I am a woman who has faced many difficult events in life—the death of a friend in early childhood, my parents’ divorce, emigration to the USA and moving within the country, the sudden death of my mother who came to help me with my daughter, the tragedy of September 11 in New York, a million-dollar bankruptcy, the loss of a successful business, emotional abuse, and divorce. I have fallen many times and risen even more. Read More>>

Simone Knight

I started my career as an engineer working in tech manufacturing. I gained leadership experience early and learned how to develop people by understanding their goals and helping them connect their ambitions with internal growth opportunities for the business. I left manufacturing, then went into supply-chain, consulting and finally media. That is where I found my true calling, which is digital marketing transformation. Media is where I learned to combine the best of my skills, operations management, data analytics and marketing strategy. Read More>>

Katarina Ocejo

The journey has certainly not been without its challenges, particularly because I don’t fit the traditional height expectations often associated with modeling. Despite this, I refuse to let these obstacles deter me from pursuing my passion. I’ve faced numerous setbacks along the way, but each one has only strengthened my determination and resilience. I firmly believe that success in this industry isn’t solely dependent on height, and I’m committed to proving that perseverance and hard work can open doors, regardless of the barriers. Read More>>

Jorge Cabré

Originally from the Canary Islands, Spain and a Miami resident now for more than 20 years, I am an energetic yacht executive focused on creating value for my clients, business development and relationship building. With a passion for the recreational marine industry, I possess a blend of small business, large organization and international leadership skills with a track record on creating winning business deals. Read More>>

Allison Helfen

With a rich career spanning over two decades in the hospitality industry and a successful stint as a high-end wine and beer shop owner in Seattle, Allison’s expertise in marketing took flight when she joined Union Marine in 2018. Her role in the marine industry deepened when she moved to Fort Lauderdale in 2022 to be closer to the Caribbean, setting the stage for her next big venture. Read More>>

Regina Blohm

The story behind our brand, SYLTBAR, is not a typical “wine story.” Instead, it is a true love story. My name is Regina Blohm, co-founder of SYLTBAR. I met my now husband, Claus, back in 2005 in Hamburg, Germany. We were both living in the same building. I was 35, single, had just moved from Munich, and was working in luxury fashion. He was 45, had just come out of a horrible divorce, and was the CEO of a uniform manufacturer. Both of us were lucky enough to enjoy lots of traveling because of our jobs, which gave us the opportunity to experience the best hotels and restaurants all over the world. Read More>>

Amanda Bentley

I think writing is such a personal endeavor that it’s impossible not to have struggles, and it seems like they’re always with myself. Self-criticizing, self-doubt, anxiety…while they are exacerbated with writing, I also find it freeing. It’s like facing the hardest parts of myself so I can achieve this dream. Read More>>

Brie Boston

Everything was at a standstill and I wasn’t sure of anything anymore. My apartment burnt down. I was feeling so lost that I went back to square one… creating. TikTok was blowing up so I decided to make an account and posted funny videos. It brought me light during such a dark and confusing time. Making videos helped me tap into my inner child. I got to be funny and goofy and build an organic community from scratch. I continued building on there and Instagram and grew my following to what it is today. Read More>>

Allisun Christiani

The first of a series of events that shook my foundation was when my mother was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Neuroendocrine Tumors or NETS. As any daughter or son who has to watch their parent endure the circumstances of their disease, the toll it takes is gradual and acceptance is not always immediate. The diagnosis did not immediately spring me into action, but the wheels began turning in my head that there must be more when it comes to understanding dis “ease” in the body. Read More>>

Stephanie Bolt

Its learning you have to plan and stick to a.schedule to incorporate time for errors where you will need to redo something.. Its learning how to.price the items right so you’re not shortchanging yourself its being able to swallow your pride and learn to take critism and take that as a guide to do better next time. Read More>>

Alexi Elias

I am a self-taught artist and I have always been creative and have used a variety of media to express myself. I primarily create expressive, mixed media portraits and have a small fashion illustration business on the side. As a child, I was influenced by my surroundings in Queens, NY as a kid which mostly consisted of street art, graffiti, tattoos and fashion! I drew a lot in grade school and made a ton of comics, which are my earliest experiences with art. My uncle and step father at the time were also very skilled local graffiti artists in College Point, NY. Read More>>

Elis Carriero

This experience leads me in search of something more, so I decide to go to London in the Soho House company. During the work experience at Soho House, I participated in numerous internal competitions and I always supported the head barman and bar manager for the creation of the internal menu, managing to introduce some of my creations. It was a unique experience, I learned team building systems and how to use operating systems different to Italy. My knowledge both in the world of merchandise and in the personal sphere has greatly expanded. Read More>>


One of biggest struggles is growing your community. Not that there isn’t support. There is incredible support in the community. But choosing to grow in a city that does not have the same foundation as say, LA, you come to realize that you have to either build those foundation in your city, or venture out. There is always growth in venturing out, however, I feel I cannot be genuine to myself if I just left my city behind without coming to bless it the way it has blessed me. Read More>>

Payal Dhanda

Growing up with a single parent, as an only child, meant my mom had to leave me alone so she could work and provide for us. This journey of independence started as early as age 4 and continued until I turned 17. Now, as an adult reflecting back, I realize that these circumstances caused me to grow up far ahead of my time. Even though we were just getting by, the situation continuously pushed me to want something more than just the ordinary—to create a life for my mom and me that was far more than just getting by. Read More>>

Ashley Williams

The Encouraging Woman, Incorporated was established in 2020 during the pandemic. I was feeling as if life was just at a standstill, we all were experiencing a reset. An opportunity to get our lives together. I felt I was needing some encouragement myself. I thought to myself if I’m feeling this way, I’m sure there are many others that are feeling it as well. At the time I was going through a breakup and so many changes were happening in my life. I started journaling my thoughts and found joy in just speaking my truth.  Read More>>

Alexia Schey

I remember we had one Hibachi restaurant where you went for fancy occasions, the Mcdonalds next to the high school all the teenagers would hang out at after football games, and the 30 minute drive to the mall where we hung out on the weekends. It’s funny how long ago it was since I lived there and i could draw out the whole town in a couple minutes. I think I have that photographic memory because of how much I struggled to feel connected to anyone or anything there. Read More>>

Ana Cerrone

Palma Amor began with a passion for preserving Colombian craftsmanship and promoting sustainable, meaningful products. After migrating to the USA from Colombia, I was inspired by the beauty of my heritage and the desire to share it with others. This led to the creation of Palma Amor, a brand dedicated to offering stunning, organic accessories and home goods that reflect the rich traditions of Colombian artisans. Read More>>

Howard Zhou

A young man, just 25 years old, arrives here from China with only $200 in his pocket and a heart full of dreams. He struggles as an international student but never loses hope. Through hard work and perseverance over the next 35 years, he transforms into a successful luxury real estate specialist. Now, at 60, he’s a leader in the industry, closing multi-million dollar deals and living proof that determination can turn even the smallest beginnings into extraordinary success. His story is a testament to the power of dreams and the resilience needed to achieve them. Read More>>

Gabriela Conde

I moved to Miami from Venezuela 6 years ago, my journey started learning english and preparing for college, as any other 18 year old girl moved here with so many plans in my head and looking for a better future. After catching the pace of the city I was doing a lot of networking, learning about different industries, listening to inspiring stories from experienced people and why not having fun, adding the college experience to all that I was going crazy but in a good way! Read More>>

Eilin Cuenca

The journey of BohoCare Naturals began from a deeply personal place in my life, sparked by the transformative experience of becoming a mother. Before founding BohoCare Naturals, I was fortunate to hold what many would consider an ideal job—a professional position that I maintained for five years. However, despite the external success, the environment gradually took a toll on my well-being. The pressures and challenges I faced at work led to significant anxiety and depression, which unfortunately impacted my health even before I became pregnant during this time. Read More>>

Michelle Arencibia

Throughout my life, I have faced profound pain, enduring sexual and physical abuse as both a child and a young adult. These experiences left deep scars, both emotionally and physically, and for many years, I struggled to find a path to healing. However, my journey took a transformative turn when my therapist introduced me & administered Calatonia therapy. This gentle yet profound therapeutic approach allowed me to reconnect with my body and spirit, facilitating a healing process that I had never experienced. Read More>>

Paula Villarraga

From an early age, I have been captivated by design, functionality, and problem-solving, with creativity being an intrinsic part of who I am. My journey led me from New York to Italy, and after earning my degree from Cornell University, I made my home in Miami, Florida. Read More>>

Jenna Quinter

I grew up on a peach farm in Hawkins, Texas, where I learned the value of hard work and perseverance early on. Life on the farm taught me that when you put your heart into something, you can truly make a difference. That’s a lesson I’ve carried with me through every chapter of my life. Read More>>

Katrina Jones

Some of the struggles was learning to navigate the food truck industry. Since we had no one to ask, we had to learn that everything that glitters isn’t gold. There will be events that aren’t worth working. Also, with covid and the economy, we had to learn how to pivot in order to maintain a successful business. Read More>>

Katherine Vasquez

Growing up in Colombia, I was always fascinated by everything related to beauty. As a little girl, I loved playing with my mom’s makeup, and I would often do my sister’s, cousins and friends’ makeup and hair as well. I was fascinated by everything from makeup and hair. I vividly remember when the first hair straightener came out—I would use it on my mom’s friends, and they would pay me, telling me I did a great job. As I grew older, people started asking me to do small things like their eyeliner, and I always enjoyed it. Read More>>

Allyson Tomchin, Lcsw

I began my career in Social Services where I spent 10 years on the front lines working in substance abuse, gang prevention, and providing health and mental health services to children and families in a very large school. I am still in touch with my gang prevention kids today except they are not kids anymore. They have their own kids. Our families eat pizza together when we have the opportunity. Read More>>

Stanley Olaokpu

They was a huge sense of scarcity existing in peoples minds, a feeling hey we have to compete, struggle, fight for the scarce resources in the world. This totally went against the true state of the world; where abundance and opulence was the order of the day. Seeing this, made me make a commitment to help people make that transition from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. A change from the idea of striving to a an idea of thriving. Ive been on this journey ever since and here i am today. Read More>>



Unni Greene

Under Unni’s leadership, SoMi Fitness grew into a thriving business, which she eventually lost to her partner as he forced her out in 2022. Today, Unni is an independent trainer, health coach, online trainer, nutritionist, and menopause specialist. She is a sought after public speaker, and a published author, as well as a fitness and health influencer, Her dedication to helping others achieve their health and fitness goals is an inspiration to all who know her. We can’t wait to see what Unni will accomplish next! Read More>>

Saday Figueroa

I’ve always been drawn to creativity from a young age but I didn’t feel good enough to pursue it. Honestly, sometimes I still don’t. But after graduating from college, I decided to shift gears and dive headfirst into social media marketing and graphic design. I always knew I wanted to start my own business and work with different entrepreneurs and owners. Read More>>

Justin Roethlingshoefer

He founded Own It in 2021 and has become a multiple seven-figure coaching company that applies this health and performance philosophy to clients ranging from NHL stars, to Fortune 500 executives, to entrepreneurs looking to take that next step and realize true health. From sleeping better to mental clarity, reduced anxiety, and increase in energy, he and his team have been providing n=1 solutions for over 10 thousand people the last 2 years. Read More>>

Ed Berrios

A few years ago, we took a significant step in expanding our brand by launching Eter, a line of unique collectible objects crafted from ethically sourced clay and glass. This endeavor reflects the very ethos of our studio — creating sustainable, artistic pieces that resonate with our minimalistic yet bold aesthetic. Read More>>

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