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Rising Stars: Meet Maria And Josue Cordoba of West Palm Beach

Today we’d like to introduce you to Maria And Josue Cordoba

Hi Maria and Josue, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Our story began long before the accident that changed everything on May 1st, 2015. In fact, it all started with dance, the very thing that brought us together.

I’m Maria Hernandez, and dance has been a part of my life since I was a child. My father used to tell me how, as a baby, I would turn up the music, and bounce and shake my booty to the rhythm of the music, no matter how loud it was. Growing up in Colombia, surrounded by family parties and vibrant culture, dance was always around me. But it wasn’t until I moved to the U.S. that I truly discovered my passion for it. The Hip Hop dance community, I found at 16, became my refuge, filling a void left by the move and giving me a sense of belonging in a place where I initially felt like an outsider.

Dance gave me an identity, a purpose, and a community that embraced me despite my accent, inexperience, and the fact that I didn’t know anyone. I dove headfirst into learning, training, and pushing myself to grow. That passion opened doors I never thought possible, especially as an immigrant who once couldn’t imagine dance as a career. So even though at first I was not grateful for the decision my parents made, which I know, was not easy on them; it is something I thank them a lot now.

So yes, it was in this environment, while working as a choreographer and instructor at my home studio, that I met Josue Cordoba, my other half.

We became best friends first. At the time, I was focused on my Dance career and pursuing a degree in Fashion Design. Josue, who had just moved to West Palm Beach, from Miami, was equally passionate about his craft—music. With a drummer for a mother and a singer, dancer, and performer, for a sister, music was in his blood, and he was inspired by artists like Daft Punk to pursue his dreams as a DJ.

Our relationship grew from that shared passion for the arts, and soon we decided to take a leap together. We planned to move to Los Angeles to chase our dreams—mine in dance, and his in music. But life had other plans.

At the time, I was preparing for World of Dance, one of the biggest dance competitions with my home studio. But the night of the accident, I had just taught my first class alongside, Taylor, a close friend and incredible inspiration of mine, who actually helped J, propose to me this year! But that night, after finally having time to relax together, Josue and I, we never made it home. We were hit by a drunk driver head-on. I woke up a month and a half later from an induced coma, with half my body shattered. I had undergone multiple surgeries and would face a long road of recovery and rehabilitation. My body, once my instrument for dance, was now forever changed.

Josue, who had dislocated his hip and injured his hand while trying to protect me, saved my life that night. When the fire rescue arrived, they thought I was gone, but Josue shouted, “She’s still breathing!” His quick thinking saved me, but the journey ahead was unimaginable.

Despite the grim predictions, we recovered much faster than expected. With God’s grace and the support of our loved ones, I regained the ability to dance on my two feet again, even though life with post-traumatic arthritis, a deformed knee, nerve damage, metal implants, and a brain injury was—and still is—challenging, and Josue was fully recovered. We are so grateful.

Our community played an incredible role in our recovery. The love and support from our dance family and beyond kept us going during the darkest moments. They reminded us that while our passions might not look the same as they once did, they were still there, waiting for us to rediscover them in new ways.

Two years after the accident, we slowly began to rebuild our lives, but it wasn’t easy. We had lost so much, especially me, who had to start from scratch as a dancer. Yet through it all, our community showed us that we weren’t alone. They helped lift us up and gave us the strength to keep pushing forward.

This is why we decided to build our foundation. We wanted to take everything we learned from our journey—dance, music, healing, and the power of community—and offer it to our community, and hopefully the rest of the world. We know firsthand how art can save lives, and we are committed to helping others find healing through the power and beauty of dance, music, and community, just as we did.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has absolutely not been a smooth road! But like we mentioned before, the power of dance, family, and community has been incredible in keeping us going.

The biggest challenge has been dealing with the changes in our bodies and the pain we’ve had to endure. That hasn’t been fun at all. Even though Josue feels 100% now, the journey to get there wasn’t easy. I’m so glad he was able to move and help me as much as he did—always pushing himself and us. I’m forever grateful for how much he was willing to do, with love and understanding, always reminding me of my strength and refusing to let me keep my head down.

We had to face a huge change in our lives. At first, we had no idea what had happened, what we needed to do, or even what we could do. Finances and not being able to work were a big struggle. Of course, our families gave their all to help, but they were struggling too. And that’s where our community blew our minds. They organized dance jams, classes, and battles to support us. The day I was finally released from the hospital coincidentally was the same day, “Overcome”, an event that had been organized by our friends Vivi, Radio and more members from our dance family, was taking place at my home studio. To walk out of the hospital and see all these beautiful faces I hadn’t seen in what felt like forever, and at the studio that had become my second home—the energy, the love—it truly saved me. I don’t know what I would have done without that support.

The accident in 2015 was just the beginning of the struggles. Physically, my body was shattered— with 7 surgeries, nerve damage, post-traumatic arthritis, and a deformed knee became my new reality. As a dancer, that was one of the hardest things to accept. Dance had always been my escape, my way of expressing myself, and suddenly my body wouldn’t allow me to move the way it once did. The physical pain was one thing, but the emotional and mental struggles were even harder to navigate. There were days I questioned if I would ever dance again, or if my life would ever resemble what it was before.

The recovery process was brutal and painful for us. I had to relearn basic things like walking, moving my hands, and it felt like starting from scratch. The mental toll it took was significant. Dealing with depression, anxiety, and PTSD became part of my daily life, and finding the strength to keep pushing through that darkness wasn’t always easy..

It’s hard to admit all of this. Josue’s love and support has helped me through some of my darkest moments. I’ve only recently started feeling comfortable speaking about the changes in my body when I teach. The difference between my two arms is so noticeable. I feel embarrassed that one arm can’t do certain things, and my knee can’t touch the floor without pain. As a dancer—and even just as a human—it hasn’t been easy not being able to move or feel my body the way I used to. Before the accident, my body was 100%, with no pain and no limitations. Losing that right at a pivotal point in my career has been one of the hardest things to come to terms with.

But through it all, our family, and community has shown us that we’re not alone. They helped lift us up and gave us the strength to keep moving forward, even when we weren’t sure how we could.

Even though we wanted to get back to work as quickly as possible, our bodies simply weren’t ready. We had to rely heavily on our community and loved ones for support, which was humbling but also difficult.

Additionally, building our foundation, We Can’t Stop Won’t Stop, has had its own set of challenges. Trying to turn our vision of helping others heal through dance and music into a reality has been difficult, especially with limited financial support and resources. We’ve faced times where it felt like we were stuck, unable to move forward because of the lack of funds or the overwhelming tasks of managing a foundation, especially after COVID…

But through it all, Josue and I have remained committed to our mission. Every challenge we’ve faced has reminded us of why we started this journey. We’ve learned to lean on each other and our community for strength, and that has been our biggest source of resilience. The road has been tough, but each obstacle has brought us closer to our purpose of using art to heal and connect with others.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
At the heart of our work is a profound passion for dance and music, as well as a commitment to healing and community. Through our foundation, we are working on specializing in providing therapeutic dance and music programs aimed at helping individuals heal from trauma, injuries, mental health challenges, and financial difficulties. We believe that art has the power to transform lives, and our mission is to create a safe space where people can reconnect with themselves through movement and music.

What sets us apart is our unique approach that combines our personal experiences with professional expertise. Having faced immense challenges ourselves, we understand the power of art in the healing process. I am a full-time choreographer and dance instructor and recently became an ELDOA practitioner, which allows me to teach some of the techniques that have helped me deal much better with pain, helping me regain mobility, allowing me to continue dancing, instead of having to give up. Josue, as a DJ, also brings a deep understanding of the healing power of music, enhancing our programs with the perfect soundscapes for movement and expression.

We are most proud of the community we’re a part of, where individuals can come to share their stories, connect, and find healing through the power of dance. We love witnessing the impact our passions have on each and every one of us, as we regain our confidence and joy through movement, especially after facing similar or different struggles.

Our foundation, We Can’t Stop Won’t Stop, also offers classes, workshops and events that foster collaboration within the arts community. We emphasize inclusivity and accessibility, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate, regardless of their background or abilities.

We truly believe in the transformative power of art. We are dedicated to helping individuals discover their strengths and passions, paving the way for personal growth and healing. We hope to inspire others to continue believing in their dreams and not to give up on them, as they can find their path to recovery through the joy of following their hearts.

If you had to, what characteristic of yours would you give the most credit to?
Not giving up and showing up for yourself no matter what—even if this means surrendering and asking for help—because as much as we’d love to, we don’t have all the answers, and we need each other to succeed.

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Ciprian Constantin Gontea, Samantha Ramsahai, Brendan Eldom, Josue Cordoba

Suggest a Story: VoyageMIA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.

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