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Rising Stars: Meet Judy Marilyn Goldstein

Today we’d like to introduce you to Judy Marilyn Goldstein.

Hi Judy, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers?
I never thought of my story as being an inspiration to others, but in a way, I suppose it is since my most rewarding activities and achievements in life began after I retired in 2013 at the age of 67. I had worked since I was 18, mostly in large corporations and hospital administration; my last job being an office manager. Not very exciting, but a way to earn a living.

Like most people upon retirement, I thought about what to do next that would be enjoyable to me. For the first five years after my retirement, I got involved as a volunteer tutor and mentor to underprivileged elementary-aged children in after-school programs and at several local elementary schools. This brought great joy and love into my life.

I wrote a poem about my experience which they made into a framed poster and hung in their administrative offices. And I was honored as Volunteer Of The Year with dinner at a lovely hotel. My memories of those years are wonderful, knowing I touched the lives of so many kids in a positive way.

I always loved to read and write. I even wrote my own eulogy. Who better to do it, right? And it’s hilarious. I have a comedic nature and want people to laugh. Writing poetry has been my hobby since 1974 so by the time I retired, I had quite a collection of poems lying around collecting dust.

So I thought, if not now, when? Then I chose 100 of my best poems and published them in 2017. I only sold about 30 books because marketing is not my thing. But this book turned out to be my giant stepping stone. In 2018 I wrote three short stories and shared them with some people who really liked them. They actually called my stories page-turners. And nobody got paid to say that.

Anyway, this encouraged me to join a group of writers who get together monthly for a playwrights workshop. After my first meeting, I tried writing a short play. It seemed like fun so why not! And guess what happened next! My life changed forever! Who knew? Certainly not me.

Now, four years later in 2022, I have written 42 short plays, 15 of which have been produced by several local theatre companies on stage and zoom. And what else, you ask? Writing led me to act in community theatre. So for the last few years, I’ve been doing both, which I find funny since I’m basically a low-energy homebody by nature. Now I’m memorizing scripts when I can’t even remember where I left my glasses.

I’ve performed on stage and zoom 15 times, recently acting in my own play. And I’ve met so many writers, actors, producers, and directors who have also become friends. What a blessing! But that got me thinking. Now I really should order more food for my funeral reception!

And last, but certainly not least, I found true love in 2009 with Fred. He and I now share the same passion for acting so his retirement has changed course too. And he’s become a videographer. Imagine that! But more importantly, he became an expert paper airplane maker and amateur magician in order to entertain the adorable kids we worked with.

Both of us were clueless until a few years ago that this is what we were born to do. So here I am at the age of 76, and he at the age of 78, doing things we never could have imagined at any point in our lives, but especially now. It seems surreal. Yes, of course, we have our aches and pains and individual health annoyances. But here’s a secret.

Endorphins in abundance mixed with daily laughter help to ease our ailments. So if you take one thing from my story, it’s this. Retirement is a time that allows you to do whatever you want because you earned it. It is never too late to find your true passions and do the things you never thought you could do while actually becoming good at them.

Yes, it sometimes feels like a full-time job without getting paid but the compensation is priceless. When you do what you love, the rewards will come in an endless stream of joyful surprises.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am a writer and actor.

Suggest a Story: VoyageMIA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.

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