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Meet Trailblazer Dani Perez

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dani Perez.

Dani, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I started my “independence” fourth years ago when I decided to move out of my country Venezuela and relocate to Miami. I call it independence because I switch my whole life at that moment, I went from working on a computer to become a full-time artist and entrepreneur. It’s funny how things change at the moment you no longer want to be in the safe place when you realize there’s much more to accomplish and you take the big jump. I started studying to become an esthetician I finish and I fell in love with makeup, I went to NY to learn more techniques and then, I started meeting with all these amazing artists around us, mostly LA, NY and Miami that gave me the opportunity to work on amazing production sets with a bunch of amazing artists. On the other side, I always enjoyed being surrounded by people with good taste in food, fashion, traveling… all I can say is that I’m a very alive person, lol. I opened Daniknowsbetter as a personal account and then it turned to be my favorite outlet to connect with people all around the world, now I can thank every day for being a lucky girl with the job I love, and the opportunity to not only connect with amazing people everyday but to create amazing projects every minute. I call myself an entrepreneur because creating is my thing, I’m my own boss and my own personal cheerleader. You only have one life.. make sure you live it the most!

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
It is never an easy road, but one thing I can tell is the most amazing degree that you will earn, school of life, school of feelings, I guess being your own boss or being an entrepreneur has a lot to do with emotions, professionalism and constant, is a balance.

I have days when I’m totally emotional, every person has days like that, those days you have to give the best of you and keep pushing yourself to till the end.

If you are starting your journey, congrats! Be a doer… do the things you want, pursuit them and accomplish them, there’s no better way to start than starting. It’s funny how we as humans are so complicated we want to start making the impossible when we haven’t tried the possible first, what I mean with this is the start where you are right now, do the basics and then you can take the extra mile.

All I can say is all worth the struggle.

Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about Daniknowsbetter – what should we know?
My work is basically a full time makeup artist, but I also have my blog, I do conferences empowering women to pursuit their dreams, I have a clothing Line called Palo Santo. Im a work in progress, everyday im trying to become my best version to help other, to really “influence” in their lives in the right way. Some days, I’m on video music sets till 5:00 am and other times im just traveling with PR agencies to cover events.

Being myself is what sets me apart, one of my favorite quotes and bio in my IG is “No one is me and thats my power” we are all different, our visions, our actions, our desires thats what keep us unique. Im a very passionate person about life and self love, so theres always a part of me that constantly looking to upgrade and become better and better.

So much of the media coverage is focused on the challenges facing women today, but what about the opportunities? Do you feel there are any opportunities that women are particularly well positioned for?
Being a women or men is no longer an issue, is about knowledge and empowerment. We are capable of everything if we only focus on it. I’m a believer that you create your own opportunities, you are the own builder of your bridges, so yes… there’s a bunch of opportunities out there, if you see none, then, you create you own.

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Getting in touch: VoyageMIA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

1 Comment

  1. Miguel Garcia

    September 13, 2018 at 2:33 pm

    Hola Daniela. Soy amigo de tu papá, te admiro y te felicito . Sigue tu carrera. Excelente! Eres emprendedora y actual. El cielo es el límite.

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