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Meet Selena Gittner of Herbal Ascension

Today we’d like to introduce you to Selena Gittner.

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I’ve been plant-based for nine years now, healthy living has been a huge factor in the unfoldment of my life. For about five of those nine years, I was a “junk food vegan,” meaning I ate processed food, mock meats, cheese, ice cream, soy, etc. The food you eat is a direct reflection of your self-awareness. I was living an acidic life, lacking consciousness, giving my energy to people I shouldn’t have been, drinking often and caught up in the wrong priorities. I was rudely awakened by the manifestation of dis-ease within my body. I developed full-body psoriasis, which is a chronic skin disease. It spread and spread… got worse and worse, no medication, pill or doctor could help me. I was so afraid this was going to be my new reality, my whole body covered in itchy red blotches. Everything changed once I had the revelation that I had the ability to heal myself by changing my inner and outer environment. I started to dig into the emotional & spiritual root of sickness while simultaneously diving deep into detoxifying the body. I began to align my mind, body and spirit. I started fasting, doing yoga/breathwork, eating large amounts of fruits, using plant medicines, practicing raw Veganism and using herbs daily.

Within 2-3 months, my skin was completely clear and two years later haven’t had any issues. This experience showed me a glimpse of my purpose and that anything can be healed when you are willing to become one with the healing process and all that comes with it. I felt inspired to share tips, tools and information on social media to plant seeds in the mind and remind people they are the medicine. I share the medicine that is holistic healing and balancing of the mind body and spirit. During quarantine, I was focusing on keeping my immune system in top performance, I began to make my own herbal capsules for myself, friends and family. And boom… that’s where the idea for my business Herbal Ascension came from. The use of natural medicines as tools to rise above any sickness and dis-ease. From that point on, I started to connect very deeply with herbal and holistic remedies. Going back to the roots of healing. I am so thankful this path chose me!

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Bumpy bump bump. Bumps are necessary for the growth and expansion of what’s possible. Being an entrepreneur means you are your own boss, support system and worst critic. It took me three months just to create a website. I made four different websites and they all had issues! To top that off, my current website just got shutdown recently for “high risk activity”. They didn’t let me rebuttal, no refund, no detailed explanation, shut down just like that. So I’m in the process of creating a new website, I trust the ups and downs of this path. I keep a positive spirit and trust that I am guided to what’s best even if it makes no sense in that moment. It has also been a great journey of pushing through self- doubt and lifting beliefs.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Herbal Ascension?
I work with all organic herbs and holistic healing modalities. I offer herbal capsules for things like feminine hormonal balance, parasite cleansing, immune support, prostate/libido, cognitive function, ashwagandha, burdock root (other individual herbs), herbal pre-work out and more! I also do amazing herbal teas one of my personal favorites is the lucid dream blend, this sacred tea blend with a very bitter taste. It provides a deep sleep which gives space for more lucid, symbolic and vivid dreams, especially when brewed with intention. I have a delicious alkaline coffee substitute that is great for gut health and digestion. I offer other healing modalities such as organic 3-5 day juice fast, healing raw vegan/alkaline recipes, cooking classes, sound healing with crystal sound bowls tuned to 432 hz, talk therapy sessions, and plant medicines/ceremonies. I want people to know that there are so many tools out here to help them in their journey. I am the most proud of my intentions. It has never been about the money or opportunity. When I am helping others heal and become free it fills my cup! My business is different because I am guided by spirit and everything I create comes from love and good intentions. I use no plastic, I grow about 25% of my herbs, everything is organic and cleansed energetically.

What makes you happy?
This journey of life makes me happy, even in all its craziness. I acknowledge the pain/suffering in this world but it makes me happy to remember I have the ability to bring love, light, healing and truth to this earth. Being of service to the earth and my people makes me SO HAPPY. The more I grow the more I see my purpose of sharing happiness, health and balance. So happy to be aligned with truth and to be of service. So thankful my business allows me to do this. I prioritize being happy.


  • Small Capsules (44 caps) $25
  • Large Capsules (66) $33
  • 2oz organic tea $11
  • 8oz organic tea $22 (check website for blends and more info)
  • $1 per min sound healing

Contact Info:

  • Email:
  • Website:
  • Instagram: herbal_ascension
  • Youtube: Saving Us

Image Credits
@yevilopatina @creativejuicesis

Suggest a Story: VoyageMIA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.


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Aleasha Bahr is a sales & marketing strategist known for showing introverts and ambiverts the Secret Art of Subtle Selling.  She personally sold millions in revenue while discovering introverts are usually top sales people – as soon as they stop trying to act like extroverts.  We’ve partnered with her to produce Introverted Entrepreneur Success Stories. Check out episode 1 below:

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