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Meet Marco Zanna

Today we’d like to introduce you to Marco Zanna.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Marco. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
My name is Marco Zanna, I’m from Rome, Italy, and I’m currently living in Miami Beach. In one of my trips to my Country, a few years ago, I discovered that a part of the olive tree was used as a natural medicine since ancient Egypt: the Olive Leaf. Who knows me, knows that I am in the “Olive oil Business” and it’s always been a challenge for me to explain how quality olive oil is important for our health, you can imagine how interested and intrigued I was by this discovery!

Also in the Bible, it is mentioned in Ezekiel: “The fruit thereof shall be for meat and the leaf thereof for medicine.” (Ezekiel 47:12)”

After deeply studying and researching, I found plenty of material online about the benefits of the olive leaf and I wondered: why such a simple and natural remedy is not used for our wellness?

I decided to import with my company, Best from Italy LLC, located in Miami, an Olive Leaf Liquid Extract, Verdepuro Vita, produced in Italy by MyVitaly in collaboration with the University of Studies in Florence. Why should people be interested in olive leaf extract? What can it help for?

I started to introduce it personally through Farmer’s Markets that I attend on a regular basis, like Aventura Mall and Village of Merrick Park. From the very beginning the feedback has been super positive, and I was very happy that the first testimonial was one of the vendors in Village of Merrick Park, now my friend, Eduardo, he said: “My blood pressure with medication was 140 over 90, without it and with this Vita it was like 110 over 70…”

Every time that I receive a testimonial from my customers/friends, it fills me with joy and gives me more energy and motivation to continue spreading the olive leaf extract beneficial contribution to our lives. I was really glad when I met Susana who told me: “… and It’s a huge difference in my life… because I have extremely high blood pressure… this product lowered my blood pressure… and not only the blood pressure but I feel so much healthy… I feel so much better, I feel happy, I don’t feel tired, I don’t feel dizzy…”

The list of testimonials has been growing daily with customers and friends who have been helped with their problems of blood pressure, libido, bowel regularity, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, inflammations, weight, skin diseases like psoriasis and rush, diabetes, energy and more.

In the link below you can find some video testimonials
Olive leaf extract testimonials

One of the beneficial effects of olive leaf extract that I would like to highlight especially now is that it can boost your immune system thanks to its antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal action. Personally me and my family didn’t have a flu or a cold since we started drinking it daily about six years ago.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
We deal every day with people’s skepticism and their lack of trust in natural products. Nature can offer remedies that don’t have side effects and might help. I found out that several scientific studies prove that olive leaves can help for blood pressure (a lower blood pressure can reduce your risk of stroke and heart attack), cholesterol, diabetes, viruses (like herpes, flu, cold, etc.), blood circulation, cellular aging process, skin diseases, cancer, inflammation, and more.
My mission is informing people about the benefits of this plant and after they can decide whether to use this natural product as a supplement.

In the link below from PMC (US National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health) you can find an introduction to Oleuropein (one of the main compound of olive leaf extract) and, at the #5 of the introduction, a list of all the benefits.

We’d love to hear more about your business.
In 2011 after I decided to move from Italy to USA with all my family, I opened a company, Best from Italy LLC, with the mission to choose and import the best products from my native country. In 2015 I created a wellness division of Best from Italy, introducing a line of products for health based on the olive leaf.

All these products are available online on our website, we currently ship all over the USA, reaching all the ones that are trying to be healthy in a natural way.

I am very proud of the results obtained so far with the main product: Verdepuro Vita, the olive leaf liquid extract. Being able to help people is my greatest satisfaction!

My challenge is reaching as many people as possible to let them know about olive leaf extract benefits, hoping that it would help them.

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