Today we’d like to introduce you to Lynne Kroll.
Hi Lynne, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
My journey as an experimental artist has allowed me to express myself through weaving, welding, pottery, stained glass, collage, mixed media, photography, watercolor, and digital art. I love pushing the envelope and creating new and unique combinations of materials. Exploring usually involves a series of works setting no boundaries and exploring unlimited possibilities.
My artwork is exhibited regularly in national/international juried shows at prestigious art museums, galleries, and exhibition venues. In the last several years, I have connected to several unique print-on-demand companies where my artwork is printed on wearing apparel and home goods. I am able to see people wearing my artwork. Numerous products such as t-shirts, leggings, scarves, beanies, purses, umbrellas, potholders, glass dishes, yoga mats and many, many more bear my artwork.
The road to success has been difficult but very rewarding. I started entering art exhibitions locally winning awards and earning a reputation. I then repeated it with national/international exhibitions. After years of being juried into national exhibitions, I earned my signature memberships in very prestigious art societies. I have since been selected to judge and jury other art exhibitions and have garnered more than 300 awards for my artwork.
The most prestigious award was the 1998 SOUTH FLORIDA CULTURAL CONSORTIUM FELLOWSHIP GRANT, an award for artistic excellence, given to a select few South Florida artists each year. Inspired by the mystery, magic, and beauty of mother nature, I am surrounded by birds, butterflies, flowers, fountains, and crystal orbs that feature prominently in all of my artworks. My artwork reveals the interconnectedness of nature, life, spirit, and time.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Entering juried exhibitions is always challenging since there are so many gifted artists. Remembering always that jurying is subjective and not taking rejection personally is crucial to allowing further growth as an artist.
Competition is fierce and being recognized and rewarded among the most renowned artists in your medium is the gift we all wish for.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I am a Renaissance woman since I evolve over time, and expand my exploration of materials and methods. My favorite and most prolific artwork is created in watermedia where layers and layers of imagery and mystery unfold.
These watercolors are juried into more than 10 national exhibitions each year around the country. My collages and mixed media artworks are also exhibited each year. I am most proud of the signature memberships that I have achieved in major watercolor societies and art groups.
It is such an honor to be accepted once, but to be a signature member you must be accepted many times and you are recognized among your peers as achieving a level of great stature.
Can you talk to us a bit about the role of luck?
I always feel that the universe provides and puts you where you need to be.
I once encountered a “fortune Teller” at a book event. She asked me what I wanted and when I told her what my artistic goal was, she replied” The door is open, take what you want”. I always tell my grandkids ” Reach for the Stars”. You never know when you will catch one.
Contact Info:
- Email: butterflynne@comcast.net
- Facebook: Lynne Kroll, Lynne Kroll Artist