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Meet Christiana Rivera

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Christiana Rivera. Christiana was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Tiffany Hamilton.

Christiana, can you walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
A Couple years ago I was having some gut issues and I was looking for a natural solution. As a personal trainer who believes in plant based nutrition I always look for a holistic approach. I reached out too fresh too deaf to order sea moss to try. After the first week I felt a big difference. I have used it since and Having had any more Gut issues!

Please tell us more about your brand, CR Fitness
I am A personal training who Focuses on women bouncing back after children. Being a mother of 3 and gaining 95+ pounds during pregnancy, I Know how difficult it is to be a mom and focus on yourself. With my training I teach women ways to stay on track and loving your body In the process of postpartum.

Tiffany Hamilton and Fresh to Deaf have been great to us and I know you’ve got a great relationship with them as well. Maybe you can tell our audience a bit about Tiffany Hamilton and Fresh to Deaf and your experience with them.
Working with Fresh to Deaf I was able to give my clients a natural alternative to a product I trust a believe in. I was able to lead my clients right to where they needed to be. With Not many natural options in our area I have been able to educate my clients and help them along the way. Tiffany and I have been able to work together to provide the clients what they need to best suit them and and Nutritional needs. She’s so easy to work with and has so much knowledge. She’s a great resource to have in our community!

Instagram: C_R_fitness

Facebook: C R Fitness

Image Credits
Christina Rivera

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