Today we’d like to introduce you to Monika Marianna Kiss. They and their team shared their story with us below:
Monika Marianna Kiss was born in Nyiregyhaza, Hungary in 1970. Despite being raised during the Russian communist occupancy, she, and her older brother, were always taught the value of the fine arts. Monika is an award-winning opera singer, composer, actor, dancer, and painter.
She embraces the spiritual and studied all the religions of the world believing that art, for her, is the physical embodiment of her spirituality. She not only draws direct inspiration from Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism, among others, but also attempts to unveil the spiritual cohesion that exists between, and which transcends, the religions of the world, (i.e. the Metaphysical).
She’s lived and visited many places in the world and drawn influence from her experiences in Hungary, Morocco, Israel, France, Italy, India, and the United States of America.
Can you talk to us about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
My way was as hard as everyone else. I think I learned a lot through the journey. The lessons are always coming and challenging us. Always a higher level we have to pass the test.
Sometimes we start over. Sometimes we arrive. It is a hard but amazing journey to be part of human history.
Thanks – So what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I feel art should summon emotion upon the soul, otherwise it’s not art. But that’s only the floor. Does the artist want to convey a specific message, or does she leave it to the observer to take her path? I lean toward the latter, but I always create with a specific and intended message. I try, through my work, to simultaneously ask and answer the questions that have confounded woman-kind throughout our existence.
I attempt to do this by combining religious and metaphysical perspectives that help to calm the complexities and intricacies of the subject matter. In all cases, I want the observer to feel energized as they reflect on the images I’ve created. I humbly present my work and hope that you enjoy the experience. I am forever grateful for the opportunity.
Can you talk to us about how you think about risk?
A risk I constantly take on is the fact that I have no plan when I work. When the brush hits the canvas I let my hand and imagination fill in the gaps of planning.
There is a risk my lines don’t turn out perfect or that I have to alter the whole piece due to one error but it’s a risk I am willing to take. After all, there is perfection in imperfection.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.fineartmkm.com
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/mkmfineart?igshid=MmIzYWVlNDQ5Yg==
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/z.m.monika