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Conversations with Alicia Graubard-Silebi

Today we’d like to introduce you to Alicia Graubard-Silebi

Hi Alicia, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
My journey began during the COVID-19 pandemic, when fitness became my outlet and the one thing that gave me structure and discipline — two things I thrive off of. I started a fitness page, initially just to document my personal journey, but it quickly turned into a passion project. I committed to posting every day, sharing workouts, mental health tips, and new recipes I developed weekly. Fitness had always been a big part of my life, but this platform helped me connect with others who shared that passion, and it began to grow.
As I returned to college, I continued sharing my evolving journey, slowly building a following. One of the most meaningful parts of this journey has been the messages from women who have told me I’ve inspired them or helped them get out of bed on hard days. That kind of impact has always been my goal. I used my platform to show the ups and downs of my fitness and personal journey, all while preparing for medical school. My page became a community—a space for others who were looking for strength, comfort, or simply someone to relate to. My goal has always been to create a safe space for people—somewhere they could see a regular girl doing things they may have wanted to try but didn’t think they could. Growing up, I wasn’t the most confident or athletic, but one day I thought to myself, “Why can’t I be?”. I want to help other women find that same confidence and realize they can become the person they’ve always looked up to, in their own unique way.
During my year off between college and medical school, I took a leap of faith and followed my passions even further. I became a personal trainer, started a meal prep business, and ventured into private cheffing—things I never dreamt I’d be capable of doing. The support and encouragement from my online community and friends & family gave me the courage to chase those dreams. I also began offering online programs, so I could reach those who wanted to work with me but weren’t nearby. Starting my own business was something I never thought I could do, but now I’m proud to say I’ve proved myself wrong.
Today, as I balance medical school with my page and businesses, I’m constantly filled with overwhelming gratitude. My page isn’t just about fitness; it’s about connection, confidence, and helping others realize their own potential. I wake up every morning knowing that I have a community of people who believe in me, and that pushes me to keep going. I want to be a doctor for the same reason I started this page—to help others find strength, healing, and hope.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It’s been 4 years since I started my page, so it’s safe to say there’s been a lot of changes since then and many ups and downs. One of the most challenging periods was the year I spent studying for the MCAT. I was waking up every day at 4 a.m. to work out, then going to my 8-5 job, and coming home to study all night. I was determined to stay consistent with my page, finding small pockets of time to post, but it was an exhausting and often discouraging process. Anyone who’s studied for the MCAT or applied to medical school understands how mentally and emotionally taxing it can be to do something over and over and feel like your hard work just isn’t paying off. I found myself in a dark place often, overwhelmed by the immense pressure I felt to make my family and myself proud, alongside dealing with personal battles, but I didn’t have the time or space to properly process it.
Eventually, I realized I couldn’t keep pushing forward without addressing my mental health. I sought help and began seeing a therapist, which made all the difference. It’s so important to recognize when you need support, and there’s no shame in asking for help!! I kept telling myself that the way you do one thing is the way you do everything, and that I had to care for my mental health just as much as I cared for my physical health. Therapy, along with the unconditional support from my family and closest friends, helped me come out stronger on the other side. My parents and best friends were instrumental during that time—they believed in me and pushed me to keep going when I couldn’t do it for myself.
Looking back now, I’m incredibly grateful for that difficult period because it taught me so many invaluable lessons. I faced difficult times before that, and I know I’ll continue to face them and learn 100 more lessons in my lifetime. Although I know it’s my own work and resilience that have gotten me to where I am today, I am nothing without my loved ones. Medical school is demanding, and balancing my other passions on top of it can be extremely stressful at times. But the love and passion I have for all of it, and the people I surround myself with, make it all worth it. To my family, for supporting me unconditionally and always ensuring I had what I needed to move forward, to my friends, who provide me with not only an escape but also the kind of lifelong friendship that brings depth and joy to life, and to my boyfriend, who reminds me every single day, without fail, that I can do it, and who has been my number one fan, I hope to always have you all by my side and continue making you proud.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
My passions and work entail being a meal prep business owner, personal trainer, and private chef. My work revolves around supporting clients in achieving physical and mental well-being through tailored fitness programs, personalized meal prep, and mental health guidance.

Some of my proudest accomplishments include the opportunity to cook for high-profile clients like Odell Beckham, as well as growing my confidence in networking, which has opened doors to incredible experiences and opportunities. I’ve really stepped outside my comfort zone to make all this happen, letting go worries that I used to hold on to. Each experience has taught me something new and has been invaluable in shaping who I am.

I believe what sets me apart is my unique position as a medical student. My training gives me a different perspective on health, wellness, and the importance of consistency. Balancing medical school with running a business and maintaining a fitness platform has been challenging, but my commitment is unwavering. My drive and holistic approach help me offer a service that’s not only about achieving results but also about fostering long-term, sustainable wellness. My clients are all like my besties, and I care for them the same way that I would care for a friend.

Do you have recommendations for books, apps, blogs, etc?
For planning and staying organized, my absolute must-have is my planner. My favorite is a physical planner, but if I’m out and don’t have it, I just use the regular Apple Calendar. Every Sunday, I take time to fill it out for the week ahead, organizing everything from schoolwork to business tasks to personal time — don’t sleep on scheduling in relaxation time!!! I can’t stress how much of a difference it makes, especially if you’re someone who (like me) tends to feel guilty for taking breaks.
As for podcasts, I’ve always really enjoyed Jay Shetty’s podcast. His perspective on mindfulness and purpose is something I try to apply to my life, especially when I feel like I need a bit of guidance. Another favorite is Girl Therapy by Nicole Doyon, who’s also based in Miami. Her content is genuine and comforting, and hearing someone speak openly about mental health and regular real-life struggles is needed sometimes.
When it comes to books, my go-to self help book is The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. It’s been life-changing for me as someone who struggles with anxiety and staying in the present moment. The concepts in the book have really helped me ground myself, and I always find myself reaching back for it when I need a quick reality check.


  • Personal Training
  • Online Programs (4-week & 8-week)
  • Personalized Meal Prep Service

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Ivan Arenas

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