Today, we’d like to introduce you to Allaine Stricklen.
Hi Allaine, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today.
My life has been pretty adventurous since I was a child; my first word was, WHY… I have always been extremely inquisitive, and my mom would often find me hanging upside down on a monkey swing in our garden where I grew up in England. Fast forward to a certified yoga therapist trained by BKS Iyengar, where we use wall ropes to hang our students upside down, which makes total sense.
I have worked in many different worlds throughout my life, from PR to Stock Broker and marketing, and Sales in the corporate world until, at the age of 25, I was diagnosed with a debilitating back issue and went to 3 Harley Street Specialists in London who recommended I have surgery, or I will never walk again and be paralyzed in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.
My gut instinct was I could heal myself and give up my career as a Stock Broker. I sold and gave away all my worldly possessions, packed a backpack, and traveled around the world for 14 years, searching for answers and healing modalities. I had the privilege of studying with BKS Iyengar a couple of times in Pune, India, which changed my life forever. As I watched his remedial classes daily, I knew that I could heal myself through yoga, meditation, and breathwork.
Yoga with Props or supporters, as BKS Iyengar then called them, was the key to my recovery and total healing; I traveled all over the world to attend Yoga Workshops, Meditation seminars, Breathwork workshops, and Retreats and read every self-help book I could get my hands on. In 2012, I watched a movie called What the Bleep, in which Dr. Joe Dispenza was featured, and I have delved into the realm of Quantum Healing and Neuroplasticity by reading Dr. Joe’s books and attending many of his workshops and retreats. I committed to getting up at 3 am every day and practicing his Pineal Gland Meditations daily.
In 2019, I woke up to start my meditation, and I went blind in one eye and felt very dizzy and asked – I thought to myself, I will ask my client, who is an ophthalmologist, what she thought. I was shocked to find out that I had a brain tumor the size of a grapefruit in my brain, which was resting on the optic nerves and my ear on the right side. I gracefully underwent two brain surgeries in 2019 and 2020 to remove the tumor. Here I am, feeling very confused and not understanding WHY!!!
Even though I had really never been in surgery or too many doctors, I am truly grateful to the team of 66 incredible staff at the University of Miami Hospital, which is where I now reside in sunny Florida. I requested that my surgeons be aware there would be 100 light workers and energy healers from all over the world present and remotely to ensure that a miracle would occur. Thanks to the Universe, I came out of both 12-hour surgeries absolutely perfect. My brain surgeons told me that the Operating Theater was filled with white light, and they were all guided to remove the tumor completely. The recovery was long, and I did not teach yoga or work for three years.
In the years of my recovery, I spent many, many hours in deep meditation and rehab, learning vestibular therapy and how to heal my brain and regain balance in my life. I continue to look deeper into the incredible gift this very scary journey has given me and only live my life steeped in gratitude, unlimited possibilities, present-moment awareness, and changing my energy for a new and different reality. I continue to meditate with Dr Joe Dispenza every day and have had the honor of participating in many of his advanced retreats. I am also part of his Coherence Healing Groups, which offer healing to anyone in need.
I have developed a vestibular Gentle Therapeutics Yoga and healing style of work into my sessions and support as a health coach many clients who have been given only a few months to live and have a gift of intuition since my surgeries, which has given so much hope to those who have been told that our modern day medicine can not help them anymore.
In hope, harmony, and loving gratitude. Namaste, Allaine.
We all face challenges, but would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
I feel that most humans have had struggles in their lives, including me, when I found myself pregnant with no support in a foreign country after meditating upon this situation as I was 38 years young at that time.
Living in a small apartment in Miami I would have the baby and knew that this was a gift from the universe as I had a dream of a child with curly hair a boy. My dear father had just passed away from lung cancer in England, and I heard a voice in my dream that I should call my Son Jahaiya Benjamin Stricklen, which were my father’s initials.
My son is now 21 years old, and his name means Healthiest Highest Child of GOD. Benjamin means The Chosen One. I have brought up my son by myself with courage and tenacity he is certainly my Gift from the Universe, I feel so much gratitude for every moment of struggle being a single mother in the USA and have so much respect for all the women and men who have single-handedly made it through.
Thanks – so, what else should our readers know about GTYOGA & Helping Hands Plus Hearts?
Gentle Therapeutics Yoga – GTYOGA & Helping Hands Plus Hearts are my two sister companies, which are located in beautiful Miami, Florida.
I am a Certified Yoga Teacher E-RYT 500. I am a Yoga Therapist, Certified IAYT, and a Health Coach Healer through my company Helping Hands Plus Hearts, which I created after my 2 Brain Surgeries to give people hope and teach them the tools to fully recover back to Wholeness.
I offer one-on-one mentorship programs, which I believe is the only program like this where we learn tools and techniques to heal subconscious programming and shift to endless possibilities through restorative yoga with props, meditation, breathwork, journaling, and manifesting techniques.
I teach workshops, retreats, group yoga, private yoga, healing techniques, and health coaching all over the world. I offer in-person sessions and remote via computer. My mission is to give everyone hope, love, tools, and techniques for everybody who is ready to heal.
What are your plans for the future?
My vision for the future is to expand awareness of my two healing companies, GTYOGA & Helping Hands Plus Hearts, to the entire world.
Through workshops, digital awareness channels, and retreats, I share my absolute joy of being alive and teaching how I changed my life and healed myself through various healing modalities. I am especially excited to share my newly developed Vestibular Yoga Therapy, which I am currently defining and teaching in all my group classes and to my private clients.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.gentletherapeuticsyoga.com
- Instagram: @GTYOGA
- Facebook: @Allaine Stricklen
- Linkedin: @Allaine Stricklen
- Youtube: @Allaine Stricklen
- Other: https://helpinghandshearts.com