Today we’d like to introduce you to Mark DuBois.
Thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I grew up loving playing instruments for fun..mainly the drum set and guitar. I believe I found my passion for playing, writing, and recording music during my last year of high school in 2011.
During this year, I got my first audio interface recording device and music-building software. I was mainly just trying to figure out how to write a song (which I still struggle with) but was also really intrigued with how I could record myself playing an instrument and listen back to it with headphones! I think somewhere along the lines..the combination of these two things sparked my attention and I’ve been hooked ever since.
The transition from high school into college was a major influential point for me musically. In both academic paths, I played in jazz bands & became introduced to a lot of great musicians who influenced me to play more & to listen to new genres of music like Afro-Cuban and Fusion. However, my band DirtBike started as a project I became obsessed with in my last year of college at FSU in 2015. It began as a fun thing to work on in my free time while finishing up school and playing/touring with other bands like Miracle Roy, Surface to Air Missive, or Jake Tobin.
When I moved back from college (to Boynton Beach) in 2016, I immediately put a live band together with my childhood best friends and began doing small North East tours & Florida shows. DirtBikes’ first EP called “Season 2” was released in 2019 and since then, we have released two additional albums and some singles. Our newest album called “Snug Harbour” was just released to streaming services on 7/14/23! It is my favorite out of the collection of DirtBike songs I have written.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I would say more smooth than rough. I feel lucky to have my best friends committed to the live band these days.
Even though we’re all in our early 30s, it’s great to see dedication and love for the music DirtBike puts out.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I would say I am most proud of my effort and commitment to making music from start to finish. Like any form of art, making music is tedious, frustrating, requires a ton of patience, and can be exhausting for sure..but the reward of a song or album being completed is fulfilling to me regardless of the success it may have.
Besides making music, I have picked up the habit of running as well! Our guitar player Mat Stuchal got me into running a couple of years ago and it’s another addictive hobby to have! I plan to run my first half marathon either this year or next year. My favorite spot to run in Miami is over the Key Biscayne bridge and along the water through Brickell.
What makes you happy?
Besides performing, I would say being with friends and loved ones.. and eating great food always do the trick!
Contact Info:
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4n2r7kDl4ZQi9fYNLSf0V0?si=zXROanHKT1qfGD7cM0qapg
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dirtbikebandofficial/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIj2u7tvenw
Image Credits
G Weeds Photography