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Small Business of the Day: Conversations with Meikhel Philogene of M.E.I. Recordings

Today’s Small Business of the Day features an interview with Meikhel Philogene. Please find our conversation below.

We’re so inspired by the hard work and creativity of the small businesses that serve as the engines of our communities. Thank you so much for taking the risk and doing what you do. Before we go any further we’d love for you to tell our readers a bit about M.E.I. Recordings.
We are a public relations and marking agency mostly, but we also function as a sync licensing company and record label. We also offer legal services such as copyright registration, contract drafting, etc. We not only work with music artists, but we work with music industry professionals and businesses.

Are there some clients who are your brand’s MVP’s – give them a shoutout and tell us about the impact they’ve had on your brand
I value all of our clients, but I will give a shoutout to the ones that we’ve worked with the most: Cameron Dietz / The Singlsayer, Ike Rhein, Liv Hanna, Miu Haiti, and Soleil.

Alright, before we go, let’s do a quick lightning round.

Favorite book?
The Bible

Favorite movie?
Tough question, but Superbad, Elf, or Rat Race

Favorite genre of music?

Favorite TV show?
The Wire

Favorite cuisine?
Cuban / Caribbean

Surprising Fact
I have a black belt.

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