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Rising Stars: Meet Pam Sarmiento

Today we’d like to introduce you to Pam Sarmiento.

Hi Pam, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I am a proud female food enthusiast that wants to share her story so it will somehow be useful to whomever listens to it. My brand seeks to support people that are looking to change eating habits and unhealthy eating patterns or simply want a jump start to a healthier lifestyle in a way they don’t feel they are punishing themselves. It all started with a door-to-door homemade granola during covid and now we have a complete meal prep menu in less than two years.

My experience with food started during my bodybuilding g competition six years ago, but what once was a hobby, a passion, a ship with no compass, is now a conglomeration of passions from graphic art, culinary experience and a female movement to support other local entrepreneurs. My background is my backbone: I’m a sexual assault survivor, Colombian immigrant, feminist, eating disorder survivor and a bisexual strong female entrepreneur business owner. I don’t wish to call it a small business because when you work with love and food, we become web builders of love. Pametarium is born from the need to heal the interaction between a physical individual and the spirituality on food on a daily basis; With an honest and real essence, we seek to create a relationship between people and their intimate goals: from weight loss to specific health programs.

Our objective is to speak for them: children, teenagers and adults who, in the path of their lives have lost the organic intuition of their nutrition due to trauma or simple misinformation. This brand welcomes and accepts the body as a motor, a temple and, as such, seeks to feed and care for it through the conscious creation of every single detail in our products. Pametarium reconnects the consumer with the Pacha Mama to heal them through real natural fresh food.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Never get the support or encouragement you expect from others. But to that, I only have to say: be stubborn enough to follow your heart. It is impossible to not have your heart broken and doors slammed in your face, I cried and felt hopeless even though deep inside I knew I wasn’t made for a 9 to 5 job. I jumped from one job to another, learning new things, failing at many for sure and trying to keep up with my personal life while also trying to afford what is now my business. I think there is a lot of people that have had harder times than I have and I learned how to be grateful for any opportunity I have, mostly patient (this was never, still not a virtue of mine) but I was stubborn and resilient.

For a couple of years, I felt lost and being broke was discouraging, also not being emotionally able to stay in a job more than six months because I knew I didn’t belong there getting paid not to think made my life actually pretty exciting. I met new interesting people everywhere I worked and learned from the humblest hearted workers; I worked from being a housekeeper, the Design District in sales and my last work was in a kitchen as a cook. There I saw the reality of our economy and how there is so much to do for others: this made my heart bloom; I understood the power of a kitchen and the amount of love you can give when you share food.

Being a female business owner in a city as complex as Miami has its pros and cons; to prove yourself worthy mentally more than physically has been definitely my number one value. This is a time for women to thrive and play big.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I create collages with food and right now I am working on getting my first NFT. I love e collage, it’s the mix of all you visually and emotionally like without any labels or judgment. It creates an emotion but it doesn’t have to make sense, pretty much like everything in life: we make what we want of any situation, each one of us sees with different glasses and that is the beauty of diversity, of mix and of collage. In my country, there is a street food called Salpicon: a mix of all the fruits you can find with ice cream on top. It is the symbol of the tropical mix we carry in our blood, fruits from all over the country: I consider myself that “un salpicon de passiones” “a mixture of passions”. I am a martial artist, chef, baker, bodybuilder and artist: a multiphase female entrepreneur that has one addiction: studying.

We’d love to hear about any fond memories you have from when you were growing up?
Playing with my toys for hours in my room and letting them all set up like they where a movie set until next day! I remember playing alone listening to music. I guess this is why solitude is one of my favorite things: is the moment for imagination.


  • Granola bag small $8
  • Banana Bread box $24
  • Carrot Cake Box $24
  • Lunch Week Menu around $60
  • Lunch and Dinner Menu $115

Contact Info:

Image Credits
11Dreamz Inc. @travelwithjuanda

Suggest a Story: VoyageMIA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.

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