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Meet Susana Robledo of Cube Care

Today we’d like to introduce you to Susana Robledo.

Susana, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
Our story started when I used to work at a hospital laundry and one of the directors from one of the hospitals that are  our customer expressed to me that they need someone to mend and fix a bunch of curtains that are not being used and I told him I think I have someone that can help you. So I quickly went over to an old little lady, that was my neighbor and I knew that she worked from home, sewing. But when I proposed to her what I had for work, she immediately shied away saying that she will not touch curtains from a hospital, so I went back to him with the bad news and he looked at me and said, “If I recall correctly, you told me you purchased a sewing machine for your mom for mother’s day.” And I said, “You are right but my mother has not even watched the video.” But nevertheless, I told him I will take up the challenge. I headed out to the hospital and picked up all of the curtains and came home, laid them on the living room and waited for my mother that was a clean freak to come.

I knew this was a way that I would have her agree to do it. And so she did. Long story short we have been back and forth to the store to learn how to use it. We washed the curtains in and out of the washer and the dryer, cut them, mended them and repaired them. Two weeks later, we finally completed all of the work.

We helped by also putting them up for the customer and we send him a bill for 800 dollars. He was super happy and was extremely grateful but 2 months went by and he did not pay me. He reached out to me with some not so good news that they did not want to pay me since I needed to be “incorporated.” So I called an attorney I knew and she said “Sure. I can do your incorporation. It will be 800 dollars.”

So I immediately told her “Is there any other way?” Then she said “Yeah. You can do it online and so I did.”

I went online and the first question was ENTITYS NAME so I reached over to my co-worker and I asked her if she could think of something and then she said just call it “Cube Care.” We incorporated and our first client was so happy. He actually offered to pay for the online fee with his petty cash. And that is how Cube Care was born.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I have gone thru just about everything you can think of. From starting out a business with no money, to having my tools stolen, to working a fulltime job and working very late at night to meet my customer’s deadlines, to the having to reinvent ourselves to serve the economic overturn, to having an employee who stole from me and almost put me out of business and hurting Cube Care reputation (I’ll defend it with my life), to surviving a stroke and a pulmonary embolism at the age of 36, one week after I gave birth to my daughter, Victoria.

I have plenty of horrors but I don’t let them dictate my path. I will get stronger each time and learn my lesson, make adjustments to it and move on.

There are times, I just sit there and cry out of frustration. I’m not afraid to say it, but there are times I cry tears of happiness.
I choose to be a positive person and to strive to make Cube Care and me better everyday.

Please tell us about Cube Care.
Cube Care Company ( is a full-service manufacturer and supplier of decorative products for healthcare and commercial interiors, with a client roster that includes some of the largest healthcare facilities in the nation. With a team of designers, engineers and installers, Cube Care manage the entire curtain lifecycle for customers, bridging the gaps between curtain maintenance, to manufacturing, to installation – the only company in the U.S. with all these capabilities in-house. This unique all-in-one approach gives customers confidence that they’re receiving the highest quality decorative products, tailored with precision to their needs, with service that exceeds the highest expectations.

Products: Privacy Curtains, Cubicle Curtain Tracks. Shower Curtains, Drapery, Custom Bedding, Disposable Cubicle Curtains, Cart Covers, Window Coverings such as Shades, Mini Blinds, Faux Wood Blinds and Verticals.

Do you look back particularly fondly on any memories from childhood?
I used to love to listen to my grandmother’s stories about her childhood while growing up. We would sit together for hours. She was a great storyteller. At that time, I found them entertaining and it was a deeper look in her life. I did not realize it till now. All of the stories were tied into a teaching of some sort. Sort of like a fable. From being kind to all creatures, to always do the right thing even when it is not the popular choice, to not being afraid of hard work. I think, all of those stories were engraved in my impressionable mind and they shaped the person I’m today.

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Image Credit:
Madsam Photography

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  1. Carol Ramos

    October 26, 2017 at 6:12 pm

    This is a wonderful story from an amazing entrepreneur. I had the pleasure of working with Susana many years ago and recognized her drive and abilities. She has truly learned her craft from scratch. And very well,I might add.

    Thank you for sharing her story.

  2. Mary Smith

    October 27, 2017 at 12:18 pm

    Amazing Woman with a warm story. Susie, how can I forget her? She is tough when warranted but I always admire this woman. Being positive is one of her best asset. Sounds like me too! Her story touched my heart because I was in a similar situation before. Nevertheless, she is one person I must say that no matter what comes around, she doesn’t and will never quit. I know this for a fact. She was my cool boss and she is a friend. Thank you for the blessing and for giving me an opportunity to work with you. Miss talking to you dear. Wishing to see you again sometime soon. Viva America!

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