Today we’d like to introduce you to Emily Rowe.
Hi Emily, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I got into the field of holistic healthcare because I was sick and I couldn’t find a physician to help me.
I was trained as a medical doctor at the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, graduating in 2004. After a brief time in the field of Internal Medicine, I quickly became frustrated and disenchanted with the conventional medical approach to illness. It focused on treating the symptoms of disease and its end-stage complications while failing to address its root cause.
Personally, I was very sick with multiple autoimmune processes for several years. I was experiencing chronic migratory joint pain, severe headaches, unusual neurological symptoms, gastrointestinal issues, and paroxysmal skin manifestations. I went to multiple physicians, who had been my teachers and whom I respected. Several of them dismissed my symptoms. Some suggested that my symptoms were psychosomatic. Later, as I dug deeper into the true root causes of my medical issues, I diagnosed myself with an extremely elevated toxic burden and several chronic infections along with a genetic immune deficiency.
Inspired to find a comprehensive and definitive way to help myself and my clients, I went back to school and completed a Master’s Degree in Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture (Master of Oriental Medicine) in 2009. For years, I worked primarily as an acupuncturist. Even though Chinese medicine helped me to manage my chronic autoimmune processes without the side effects of medications, my health continued to deteriorate. Clinically, as I practiced Chinese medicine, I treated a lot of pain and disharmony in my clients. But I found that acupuncture was only a treatment, albeit a non-toxic one. I never saw true resolution of chronic health conditions with Chinese medicine.
In 2017, my health spiraled into a full-blown crisis, with metastatic cancer. Striving to understand the driving forces for my chronic complex medical conditions, I again returned to school through the Institute of Functional Medicine, looking at a different perspective of health. I completed my Institute of Functional Medicine certification in 2018. After completing my functional medicine training, I began learning about chronic Lyme and other stealth infections, as a driving force of chronic inflammatory conditions. I studied with Dr. Richard Horowitz in 2019, completing his course in “Healing Lyme and Co-Infections.” I also studied about the health impacts of environmental toxicities with Dr. Neil Nathan, starting in 2018.
My husband and I opened “Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center” in 2017, to help others in similar situations as myself. My style of medical practice is unique because I hold multiple paradigms in my mind simultaneously. Utilizing an individualized approach, I explore the etiology of diseases, using cutting-edge laboratories with awareness of how ecological toxins can affect health. Treatment plans for my clients are individually customized, combining a variety of methods including physiological detoxification strategies, eradication of stealth infections, vibrational resonance healings, meditation, hypnotherapy, medical astrological analysis, and ancient wisdom practices, such as Shamanism, acupuncture, and herbal medicines. I have a lot of personal experience with medical issues, so I have deep empathy for my clients. Through my work, I want to raise conscious awareness of the environmental ramifications of toxins on chronic inflammatory illnesses, igniting insights about macrocosmic-microcosmic relationships, catalyzing profound healing with true etiological resolution.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
My biggest challenge in practice is helping clients to understand the deep ramification of poor lifestyle habits and environmental toxins on their health. I have a lot of clients who for several years, pushed their bodies and minds to the limit with lack of sleep, chronic nutritional deficiencies, excess stress, overuse of alcohol and/or neurological stimulants. They come into clinic in a total physiological crash, which is the culmination of 40 years of disharmony. There is an expectation that this physiological crash can be reversed with a 30-day detox and reboot. This is not possible. While we can definitely support you with a detoxification plan, reversing complex chronic medical illness takes time. This is not a quick fix, and anyone who says otherwise is selling you something. I want my clients to have realistic expectations of what it takes to truly embody health and wellness.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center involves an integrated array of therapies for women and men, including acupuncture, Chinese and Western herbal medicine, functional medicine evaluations, intravenous infusions, ozone therapies, PRP and stem cell therapies, and bio-energetic feedback.
Our specialties include management of mold, chronic infections (Lyme and other stealth pathogens), environmentally acquired illnesses, gastrointestinal issues and dysbiosis, autoimmune diseases, natural approaches to fertility, hormonal management, and comprehensive detoxification programs.
What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned along your journey?
The client often has key insights into their own health processes, which have been dismissed by healthcare practitioners. Guiding clients towards their own inner truth is key to unlocking health.
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Image Credits
Sebastian De Marco
Dr, Christopher Estes