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Meet Elizabet Diane Abraham of InsideOut Dance & Wellness in Coral Gables, Doral and Pinecrest

Today we’d like to introduce you to Elizabet Diane Abraham.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Elizabet Diane. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
My path to becoming a board-certified dance/ movement therapist started a decade ago when I began my healing journey. At the time, I was depressed, disconnected from my body and had a low sense of self-worth. I chose psychology as my major in hopes of being able to help other women who have gone through similar experiences. The following year, I discovered Dance/Movement Therapy (DMT) and immediately knew this was the career for me. For those of you unfamiliar with dance/movement therapy, it is the psychotherapeutic use of movement and a holistic approach to mental health.

I obtained my Master’s of Science degree in DMT from the magical Sarah Lawrence College, where I grew not only professionally, but also personally. Through my DMT training, I reconnected with my authentic self and healed from the deepest parts of me.

After I graduated, I spent five months in Jerusalem, where I provided DMT in 3 organizations: ELWYN, Misholim and Micha. When I returned from Israel, I lived in Boston, providing DMT group sessions in nursing homes and assisted living facilities throughout the area. By the end of my time there, I was leading groups in 8 different facilities. Four years later, I was ready to come back home to my tropical oasis- Miami. I became Board-Certified after many clinical hours and supervision, which allowed me to open my own private practice: InsideOut Dance & Wellness.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Not at all. When I started my business, I was overjoyed with excitement and then, reality hit. How do I get people in the door? Will people understand my services? How much should I price things? Social media marketing!? Honestly, all that makes a business has been a big learning curve for me. It takes long hours and can be stressful, but most of all, worth it. I now get to help the women in my community.

Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about InsideOut Dance & Wellness – what should we know?
InsideOut Dance & Wellness is a mental health service providing dance/movement psychotherapy in a private 1:1 & group setting in-person and online. I specialize in helping women establish a healthy relationship with their raw authentic self, through reconnecting to their body & soul, so that they can live a life full of joy, inner peace, meaning & fulfillment. I also offer Embodiment Workshops where women gather and experience connecting to their body’s wisdom through DMT lectures, mindful journaling and movement explorations focused on specific topics, such as self-care and healthy self-dialogue. In addition, I help brides navigate anxiety, guilt, and triggers that may come up from past traumatic experiences, so that they can be present and joyful during this special time in their life.

What sets my services apart from other therapists is that in a dance/movement therapy session, you not only talk, but also process things on a bodily level, which is where real transformation can take place. I also include other modalities such as mindfulness, visualization, movement, journaling, art, music and roleplaying. As a result, you experience your healing journey from a place of wholeness– integrating the physical, emotional, cognitive, social and spiritual. Lastly, all of the services at InsideOut Dance & Wellness are provided in English & Spanish. As a Cuban-American from Miami, it is my priority to serve the Latin community.

The following testimonials of 1:1 clients provide a greater glimpse into what InsideOut Dance & Wellness is all about:

“I had been pursuing traditional therapy for two years when I met Elizabet. Traditional therapy has a way to keep things cerebral, allowing us to process information without necessarily healing from it. Dance Movement Therapy was a revelation. When we move, our bodies cannot lie the way our minds do. We cannot impose on ourselves a healing that our bodies are still not ready to move on from. And so, through movement, our blockages become physically apparent. We resist moving in ways we thought we could. And so the real work can begin. Thank you Elizabet for the missing link!”

“Elizabet is one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met. She cares in ways that not many people do, and it goes beyond her profession- it’s something integral to her being. Through the work we’ve done together, both in her workshops and therapy sessions, I’ve discovered things about myself- who I am, what I want and what I crave most in the world, that I never thought I could. I have found answers to the questions that I have been asking for years and tapped into parts of me that I thought were long forgotten. Her sessions feel magical, deeply personal and spiritual in nature. Elizabet treats your mind, body and soul. She goes above and beyond, helping you tap into your power, strength and center, and works hard to help you find your inner peace. She gives you the tools you need to survive and LIVE. Meeting Elizabet has been a life-changing experience in her I have found a therapist, a friend and a guide to help me find my way home.”

Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
I am so grateful for each person who has helped along the way. I want to thank my husband for being my “advisor” and for always believing in me. My father is my number one cheerleader and has welcomed me to provide my services at Netzbadim Community Center. My mother and grandmother go to as many workshops as they can (this has been one of the most fulfilling parts of my career- sharing my gift with them). All of the women business owners who have opened their doors to me and been so supportive: Patty Fuenzalida, Lotus Baker from Peace Love Art Yoga and Tania Dubitz from Designs in Motion Studio. Susan Shafer has been my DMT supervisor and has played an important role in shaping me professionally. I want to send a shout out to Gaby Guzman (her Board Ritual is what gave me the clarity to start InsideOut Dance & Wellness) and the rest of Las Comadres for their inspiration and support in making the start of my business a delicious experience shared in sisterhood. Lastly, to all of those who have come to a workshop, class or session I am eternally grateful to you and hope to serve you the best I can.

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