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Meet Daisy Garcia-Velasco of Wellbeing for Life Global in Kendall

Today we’d like to introduce you to Daisy Garcia-Velasco.

Daisy, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
Due to the socio-political situation that my country was going through 20 years ago, my husband and I made the choice to emigrate to the U.S. with our 2 daughters — a 4-year-old and a 7-month-old. As a young professional, I believed that I needed to grab every opportunity that came my way and elaborate on my talents and skillsets that I already possessed as a clinical psychologist. I expanded and set forth my intentions of paving a new way to be recognized professionally and work in the mental health field. To reach my goals, I had to start at the fundamental level and perfect my English. I went back to school and attended English classes every night after working long days, and my husband would stay with the girls. When I felt more confident in my English and my newfound appreciation for the new culture I was in, I applied to a master’s program at the University of Miami that specialized in substance abuse, alcohol and drug treatment and prevention. I excelled in my program and finally began working full time in the private and federal sector, including the Prison Bureau. I had previous experience in radio and television back in my country, and eventually I was invited by many Spanish and Latin American TV and radio stations to present and expand on mental health issues and treatment, as well as natural and holistic health and positive psychology.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The road is almost never smooth when you’re paving it and designing it to fit your own life. I’ve learned a lot about myself and the people I do this for along the way. The first and foremost challenge was struggling with English as a second language — things as simple as differentiating between how to pronounce something and which is the correct “their/they’re/there” to use in a sentence. When I was in grad school this was especially tough because, in the past, I was always able to start papers a couple of days before they were due. But here, I had to start writing papers weeks in advanced. I would first write them in Spanish, and then I would go back with my English/Spanish dictionary and translate them—the internet was not as fast and useful back then. After I’d translate the paper, I’d pass it on to someone who is a native English speaker who’d help me to keep the tone and feeling of what I was trying to say. This was a humbling experience and taught me to trust the process.

In addition to attending school and working full time, I also had small daughters I had to take care of, who I wanted to spend as much time with as I could. Time is something you will never get back, once it’s gone, it’s gone. It was important for me to make sure I was as present and available during those tender years of them growing up and fostering an environment of positivity and abundance when we had very little to work with — in terms of finance and space. I made sure I was around during the days, picking them up after school and spending time with them. It was a balancing act in every facet of my life, but they grew up to be amazing women and I’m extremely proud of them.

One of the most challenging and frustrating things was having some family and friends I knew that had also emigrated to the states long before I did who — although might have had good intentions —continuously told me it was too hard and almost impossible to be a professional in the United States. They told me that I was working way too hard and burning myself out, that I wasn’t spending enough time with my kids, that I sounded like a fool trying to speak English, etc. People like to project what they are not capable of onto you, people love criticizing and finding excuses to not do things that would benefit them, but I always believed in myself and my immediate support system always believed in me. It’s important to surround yourself with genuine cheerleaders that believe in you and want to see you succeed — and if they’re not available you need to build your own confidence and be your own cheerleader.

Wellbeing for Life Global – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
Wellbeing for Life Global was established in 2002 and focuses on helping you become the best version of yourself in all parts of your life. My organization guides the education and orientation of my client’s self-knowledge, leadership skills, and development of emotional mechanisms that will enable them to define and fulfill their goals. Our mission is to create healthy emotionally and financially stable lives and provide the highest care and standards to do so. We design unique, personalized short, medium, or long-term educational plans that encompass mind, body, and spirit to get you to operate at your highest vibrational frequency.

I created the InPRO System which, based on the concepts of psychology and natural medicine, goes deeply into the self to achieve self-awareness, purification, peace, inner health, and a positive interaction with the environment and other human beings. In private sessions, groups, seminars, and workshops, I guide the self through an inner journey, accompanying it during its growth and infinite potential to expand its conscience and self-awareness and become the master of your own mind and emotions. This allows your true self to be completely open to life, enjoying the present, reaching expression, and creating continuous manifestations of wholeness, peace, joy, and love.

Many years ago, during a training session with Dr. Deepak Chopra, the prominent spiritual leader and proponent of the Mind-Body approach to medicine, I reconnected with my passion for health and my potential for healing to restore unity and the reality of joy, love, and peace in the human mind.

Wellbeing for Life Global is known for our exceptional and unmatched pathway to personal success. Many self-help organizations will only focus on one aspect or one path to personal enlightenment, but we know, through many years of experience, research, studies, seminars and focus groups that the holistic approach is stronger and more stable in the long-run.

What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
As cliche as it sounds- every day is a proud moment for me because I get to use my skills and power to help other people live their best and most fulfilling life. There is something really special about waking up every day and being able to channel who you are and your positivity and light to help the world become even just a bit of a better place for everyone.


  • Individual 1-1 Coaching/Counseling session: $120
  • Organizational Training: Initial fee: $200

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Getting in touch: VoyageMIA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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