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Meet Betty Martin

Today we’d like to introduce you to Betty Martin.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Betty. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
Born and raised in south Florida to Haitian immigrants I was the middle child of three girls. Being the middle child pressured me to find my own identity. My father was a cab driver and my mother was a C.N.A at a nursing home, I watched them both work hard and lead me to pursue the success of the “American Dream”. Though my mother and father were good parents, they were not good spouses and therefore our household was very toxic at times. I remember only seeing my father when he would take us to school in the morning because he avoided coming home to chaos. We knew at an early age that they were better off apart but they stayed together because of their children as my father would say. I had a family member tell me that I was the ugliest out of my siblings over and over so eventually, I believed it. I would wear over-sized clothes and try to hide myself as much as possible because I didn’t feel good about myself.

This leads to me looking for love in all the wrong places and I found myself jumping from relationship to relationship. Accepting a variety of wrong treatment and constantly using “love” to validate their actions. There was an incident where one of my childhood friends committed suicide and we found out later on that it was because he didn’t like who he was and it dawned on me that he was feeling the same way that I was. Since then I vowed to myself that I wanted to fight for those that couldn’t fight for themselves. Thus leading to my career choice in psychology and education. I have a special place in my heart for special needs children because of the fact that most of the time they are the defenseless.

Has it been a smooth road?
It has not been a smooth road, most of the time I battle stinking thinking, and fear. Other times its outside stimulus like not enough funds for a project, feeling the lack of support or unexpected turns in life.

We’d love to hear more about your work.
My work is a combination of many things but the central focus is empowerment, inspiration, change, and process. I am an intern for the state of Florida as a Mental Health Counselor, a Certified Life Coach “The Change Agent”. A mentor, Author, Principal, pastor, wife, and mother. My brands Accentuate Your life is an online store that provides accessories and inspirational products. Power IN Knowledge a.k.a PINK is about promoting and uplifting a positive lifestyle holistically. I am most proud of being Betty Martin and consider myself my own brand. What sets me apart is that I can promote and create change in any of these fields.

How do you define success?
I define success as taking on a new client and change is happening in their life. Each client is different but the criteria I am looking for is the same, are they meeting their goals, are their desired outcomes being met. This changes from client to client but the most effective measurement is changed behavior through observation.


  • Counseling (Individual and Martial) Sessions: range $75 to $150 a session
  • Coaching/Mentoring Sessions: range $200 one month 4 sessions program
  • Products: ranges from $10 to $50
  • Pre-martial Counseling and Certificate Program: $300 one month 4 session

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Email: bettymartin85@GMAIL.COM
  • Instagram: Accentuate Your Life/Power in Knowledge also Bet_luv_lp
  • Facebook: Betty Pierre and The Change Agent Coach Betty
  • Other:

Image Credit:
Luctresa Jackson partner in Power IN Knowledge brand, Rose Savoix Product sells, Conference Everything P.I.N.K

Getting in touch: VoyageMIA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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