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Meet Alyssa Gruber of Ales & Asanas in Hollywood

Today we’d like to introduce you to Alyssa Gruber.

Alyssa, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I always hear people say ‘I’m not good at yoga,’ I’m not flexible enough to do yoga,’ it’s boring I want more of a workout.’ I also talk to many people who are weary of or hesitant to enter a traditional yoga studio. After completing my yoga teaching certification at 305 Yoga, I wanted to make a space that was more playful and welcoming for any and all people to open their mind to yoga.

While I was sat at one of my favorite breweries, I decided it would be great to get yoga classes going there… with a twist! LauderAle brewery had just started canning, and I imagined people balancing their bright yellow cans on their heads while in tree pose. Sounds silly but I promise there IS technique involved!

So now I work on using the can or pint as a prop to test your balance, enhance a pose, engage specific muscles, and a way to interact with others in the class by giving cheers or a high five. You can’t not smile. I bring out the beer for the last 15 minutes or so of class so that we still maintain a solid and safe yoga practice, and then we play.

We see people who are curious and like the idea of the beer treat but then find that they love the yoga class and feel fantastic after. That’s exactly what I hope for! I even have people who come to class who don’t like beer so we give them water and they can still participate in the ‘balance challenges.’

We’ve created a great little community, and we also like to give back. Often I donate proceeds to charities like the Pediatric Cancer Foundation, Humane Society of Broward County, Surfrider Foundation, hurricane relief, and we even ‘adopted’ a manatee called Phyllis via the Save the Manatee Club. I find people are always eager to help, but they don’t know how or can’t commit a ton of time, so yoga is a great tool to bring a group together to help others.

It is the definition of the word yoga – to yolk or brings together. I think people appreciate that I offer a quality, affordable class but it’s not super serious or pretentious and there’s always a social aspect to it. I’m sure the cold beer doesn’t hurt either! You can find my regularly scheduled beer yoga classes at LauderAle brewery and Margaritaville Hollywood Beach Resort, and I’m always BREWing ideas for more classes at places like Topgolf and other breweries around town.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
I work full time so finding the balance of corporate work life and my own little yoga business can be draining but I have fun with it, and I have met so many wonderful people along the way it’s all worth it!

Your vibe attracts your tribe and what you put out you get back in return. I think because of that I have been very lucky that most of my yoga endeavors have been smooth.

Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about Ales & Asanas – what should we know?
I like to make bad jokes and puns especially during tough poses in class so that you can ease your way through a challenge. Apply that to any real-life situation, and that’s how yoga works it’s magic!

I like to think what you see is what you get and that’s how I connect with people. I want to feel good, I like to de-stress, and I like yoga, beer, animals, and a solid mid-afternoon nap. Who can’t relate to that?

Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
#1 is my guy, Gabriel. He takes time to comes to almost all of my classes. He moves tables, helps with registration and check-in, gives feedback on my class and gives input on my ideas, and most importantly hugs me at the end of each day even when I’m grumpy. I pay him in beer.

LauderAle basically turns in to my yoga studio every week, so I can’t thank them enough for letting me take over their taproom and just letting me do my thing. As a whole, I get a ton of support from our friends, our regular yogis who attend so many of my events, my coworkers, and even though my family is not in Florida, they give me support from miles away.


  • I try to keep my classes between $10-15.

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Instagram: AlesandAsanas
  • Facebook: AlesandAsanas

Image Credit:
Gabriel Rodriguez

Getting in touch: VoyageMIA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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