Today we’d like to introduce you to Yasmine Jeannette Egozi.
Hi Yasmine, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I developed the line of Planta Rx® products because of my passion for healing. I went through a disease process of the “Big C”, 16 years ago, and that significantly shifted my already holistic lifestyle and general approach to well-being.
Professionally I have twenty (20+) years of experience as a dynamic and cutting-edge Licensed Speech Language Pathologist, Certified Mental Health Professional, (W)holistic Wellness Guide, Soul Focused Healing practitioner, and Internationally Certified Stress Management Consultant. Furthermore, I am well-versed in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of how humans heal.
The pandemic revealed that people really need and seek out self-care. CBD products exist to help improve lifestyle, health, and wellness. Now more than ever, people are open to trying these types of products. This is the NEW type of FARMA!
In late 2020, I opened my first brick-and-mortar store in Miami Beach, FL. My company is an essential business and has focused on giving individuals an alternative to pharmaceuticals through plant medicine.
My vision is to continue to be the TRUSTED source for all things plant medicine including mushrooms, cannabis, and CBD/Hemp including but not limited to education, doctors, referrals, and products.
My mission is to educate on and give access to high-quality products that represent the true benefits of plant medicine.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
This has been and continues to be an extremely bumpy and roller coaster-style road! Fortunately, this industry has moved into more of a “gray” market.
Even with the Farm Bill being passed in 2018 making CBD legal, the fact that cannabis is considered a Schedule 1 drug creates barriers. For example, we cannot secure loans from banks, fair and equitable pricing on things such as payment processing doesn’t exist, insurance rates are higher and it is more difficult to trademark items.
More disheartening is the fact that some states have legalized cannabis for adult use, some states are medical only and other states have no cannabis program. Due to the Schedule 1 status of cannabis people are STILL being arrested for cannabis. Many of us are working tirelessly to continue to change the stigma and help free the plant.
Another example of a roadblock for our industry is a state’s ability to ban hemp production at its discretion. This ability means a CBD company may find itself with fewer customers and suppliers, which may increase costs or even prevent the proper production of products.
Another significant challenge is the issue of public perception on what CBD is. There is a common misconception among the population that CBD products will cause users to experience a “high” like they would with marijuana and/or become addicted. This is completely false, but the belief remains the same. Society still needs proper education on the usage and benefits.
The pandemic severely affected the logistics network for CBD/Hemp and its extracts due to the ongoing restrictions. Dispensaries are also facing shortages owing to disruption in the supply chain network. Import and export of nearly all products essential or not have been affected as well. However, governments are endorsing legalization and the demand has risen and will continue to do so in the next few years.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
Do you enjoy the sense of relaxation that CBD provides, or are you thinking about using CBD to reduce the symptoms of a condition?
This is a great question as I am constantly preaching the MEDICINAL effects and benefits not only of CBD but of all the minor cannabinoids this amazing plant offers. CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC, and many others are just being brought out and each have their own purpose either independently or in combination. I consider us a plant medicine wellness clinic and as such we are always bringing in new products, the latest of which are mushrooms!
Planta RX® features an outstanding range of CBD and Delta 8 products in Miami Beach. Our CBD products include gummies, oils, topicals, bath bombs, prerolls, honey sticks, flower, olive oil, coconut oil, and an entire skincare line allowing you to choose quality at affordable prices. Consult and shop with us and find the products that support your way of living! We also provide mushrooms as an avenue for healing that supports people’s mental health.
Important to note is that all of our proprietary products are formulated, 3rd party tested, paraben free, pesticide free, GMO free and sulfate free to ensure the highest quality, integrity and standards are always met.
The concept behind who we are and our cutting-edge approach to the plant medicine, cannabis, hemp, and wellness industies goes beyond conventional methods.
The line of Planta Rx® products have been developed because of my personal story with cervical cancer over 16 years ago, which is an inspiration for health and healing through plant medicine including mushrooms, cannabis/hemp and wellness.
We offer outstanding value on products of any type and treat every client with care and understanding in order to help you find the right option that caters to your unique situation.
If you do not have your medical cannabis card yet, we offer that at our clinic as well and can help you navigate the process so that you can open your world to a new way of healing.
Our goal is to ensure that everyone who is seen at our clinic feels hopeful, listened to, understood, and walks away with a deep sense of knowing that there are options we can provide them. We treat everyone the same, with open hearts, ears, and big smiles. We appreciate that consumers and patients put their trust in us and feel grateful and fortunate to be working together towards optimal health!
In terms of your work and the industry, what are some of the changes you are expecting to see over the next five to ten years?
I see federal legalization on the horizon! We have already hit a tipping point in this country and there are countries outside of the US that are legalizing cannabis. My sense is that all plant medicine is going to continue to take the world by storm. Functional, medicinal, nootropic and psychedelic mushrooms are on the horizon!
Patients are opting for marijuana derivatives instead of the prescription medicines previously being used.
CBD/Hemp products may provide various medical benefits to the users, which has increased their adoption for the treatment of various chronic conditions. NIH is just starting to give money for research enabling the ability for this plant to gain more traction within a short period of time. Moreover, competition in the global market is high because companies are focused on increasing their products, entering new markets, and gaining new consumers.
The CBD/Hemp industry is evolving at an exponential rate, moving beyond its prohibition era, to an elevated plant-based wellness and lifestyle choice for discerning consumers. As the industry continues to expand into our lifestyle, we will continue to help consumers make informed choices about why Planta RX® is the right choice for them.
More than ever, social media influencers are trending in this market while Brand Ambassadors continue to share and endorse our product line. If anyone is interested, they should contact us at
- Planta RX® CBD Gummies/ 4oz starting at $47.50
- Planta RX® Delta 8 THC Gummies starting at $68.50
- Planta RX® Full Spectrum CBD Oil Tinctures starting at $47.50
- Planta RX® Delta 8 THC Oil Tinctures starting at $84.00
- Planta RX® CBD Flower starting at $30.75
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