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Meet Jennifer Love Gironda in Boynton Beach

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jennifer Love Gironda.

Jennifer, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
I guess what might make me stand out is that I have made a piece of art every day since January 2012- so as of today (August 26, 2018) that is 2429 pieces of artwork.

Here is how that all started. I’ve always loved art, ever since I was little. Back home in North Carolina I used to carry around an old butter container full of crayons wherever I went, I loved to draw and color. Art was always my favorite subject in school. I was inspired by my amazing high school art teacher, Robin Calcutt, to go into teaching and I went on to earn my BFA and MAEd degrees in Art Education and Textiles from East Carolina University. I went into teaching and I loved it- still do. But something was missing.

That something was my art. I wasn’t producing work. I mean, I would make some things here and there- but not much. I attended a workshop through the Surface Design Association in Minneapolis and came back ready to create- so I did, I spent that summer working on a series of large tree drawings, and that fall continued to draw and paint. That January I wanted to make even more and I found an on-line challenge, – and that was my starting point.

At first I went by the themes on the web-site, but I soon found that I wanted to do my own thing, so I started to pick my own monthly themes. My format since I began this whole commitment is that I complete a piece of work within the monthly theme, allowing myself to explore, make mistakes and most of all have fun. I found that making more work made me want to make even more. In addition to my daily art I create recycled jewelry and paper dresses, fashion illustrations, take on commissions and even do some sewing.

I found that by taking the time to make my own work again that I was even more excited about teaching and it directly impacts my student’s today- they help keep me motivated.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I have had obstacles in the daily art making journey, that is for sure. Time, time, TIME! Time has surely been a struggle. I found a great poster at the Florida Art Education Association Conference years ago, “Don’t FIND time for art, MAKE time for art.” That is basically my mantra. There were times when I was working a second job at the mall, coaching two cheerleading teams and teaching and it would get overwhelming, but I learned to be organized and to plan ahead. If I know I will be traveling I plan my theme ahead and use materials that are good on the go. I maintain a dedicated space to make my art, it started out as a corner of the kitchen and now is a studio at home, but wherever I am I can make work.

My main obstacle now is what to do with all of the work! When I first started I would do paintings on canvas and some mixed media pieces that were more sculptural but after making the daily art for so many years now I stick to works on paper, usually in smaller sizes. I put each month’s work away in large paper folders, and then file them away in plastic bins by years. The bins are taller than me now!

Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about Jennifer Love Gironda Art, Lake Worth Community High School Art Teacher and Art Hive Magazine Contributor and Brand Ambassador – what should we know?
I show and sale my work. Due to the volume of work folks usually contact me directly to inquire about purchasing work or to discuss commissions.

I think the thing that I am most proud of is my dedication to making work. No matter what- I make my daily art.

My work is colorful, whimsical and often inspired by fashion. I feel like it reflects who I am as a person.

Is there a characteristic or quality that you feel is essential to success?
I think my love of art is infused in everything in my life- and that makes me feel like I have achieved some level of success. I love making art- so my daily commitment to making my own work motivates me. I have a passion for teaching and I am inspired every day by my high school students. I seek others that share my love for art, from my work with Art Hive Magazine to spending time and supporting my artist friends- I feel like my whole life revolves around art and I love it.

And I gotta tell you, having a supportive spouse sure helps, too! My husband is my number one fan, my biggest critic and my rock.

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