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Exploring Life & Business with Mikayla Luna of 72Huddle

Today we’d like to introduce you to Mikayla Luna

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I grew up watching my dad build his own business. For 10 years, he worked full-time during the day and then came home to work passionately on his startup every night. He had an incredible work ethic, and the entire family was involved.

But after launching, his competitor trampled him, and he ultimately had to shut it down. He attributed it to poor marketing. Seeing someone so dedicated fail because of marketing broke my heart and felt like such an injustice.

That moment sparked my mission to help business owners like him.

I believe marketing should never be the reason a passionate business owner can’t succeed, and the foundation of good marketing is an impactful website.

This is where I come in—I’m dedicated to building websites that support businesses and help them grow.

As a nice full-circle moment, my dad started a new business, and this time, I created his branding and website. He was able to quit his full-time job, find success, balance, and happiness.

It’s a reminder of why I do what I do every day.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It has absolutely not been a smooth road.

We started back in 2019, and for a while, everything felt like it was going great. Then COVID hit, and a lot of our clients dropped off. That quick high followed by an even quicker low really exposed all the cracks in our business.

We realized we had to get better at managing our money, developing stronger systems, and really get clear on our offering.

When you start a business, you quickly learn it’s not just about doing what you’re good at.

Like for me, I don’t just design and develop websites.

I’m also a visionary, a bookkeeper, an admin, a salesperson, an SOP developer—the list goes on.

You end up wearing all the hats.

Honestly, though, these struggles gave me even more compassion for what other startups go through. It’s why I’m so passionate about telling clients, ‘Hey, I know you have a million and one things to juggle—let me take the website task off your hands.’

Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about 72Huddle?
At 72Huddle, we specialize in building impactful, modern websites that don’t just look good—they help businesses grow.

What really sets us apart is our Two Week Website offer. We’ve streamlined our process so that businesses can get a custom, fully functional website in just two weeks.

It’s designed for business owners who don’t have time to wait months for a site to be built or deal with the hassle of managing it themselves.

We handle everything from the design to the copy, removing the barriers that usually come with launching or revamping a website.

Inspired by the Miami Dolphins’ perfect 1972 season, we bring the same winning mindset to every project, so you can start stacking W’s in the win column.

What would you say have been one of the most important lessons you’ve learned?
The most important lesson I’ve learned is that perfectionism can actually keep you from your version of success.

Perfectionism has been something I struggle with. And when I started this business, it only grew.

When I first started 72Huddle, I was working until 3 AM every night, trying to achieve this perfect story of success—making 6 figures, hiring a full team, traveling the world. Also, let’s not forget, it needs to be achieved in 2 years!

But my relationships were suffering, I wasn’t present as a wife or mom, and my health was falling apart.

One night, I stepped back and asked myself if this version of success was worth what I was sacrificing.

Here’s the thing.

This version of success I was going after may completely resonate with someone. And that’s amazing.

I realized though, that we all get to define our own version of success.

For me, it’s not just about having this business, it’s also about having a healthy relationship with my family and with myself.

Understanding this has given me the opportunity to keep my perfectionism in check and enjoy the process.

I know what to say ‘yes’ to and what to say ‘no’ to, and I’m much more intentional about where my energy goes.

That’s been a game changer for both my business and my life.

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