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Community Highlights: Meet Sarah Franco-Gherman of Kasa Karma LLC

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sarah Franco-Gherman

Hi Sarah, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
From tragedy to triumph, I had just ended my 22 year marriage with four kids and a 22 year 6 figure career as an insurance broker for a very large insurance agency. On the outside, it looks like I had the ideal life But on the inside, I was broken. Trying to keep it all together for the family and business, but my body had a mind of its own and suffered a nervous breakdown, my world Crumbled and all was dark and depressing.. I made the decision when I felt better which took a few years to move out of the house, not knowing the ramifications of my decision. Unfortunately, the horrible judge took me from my home, my children my business, and was forced to find a new life on my own. although looking back, it was such a dark time. I was stuck, and there was no other way to get out except to lose it all, and begin again on my terms. I decided to buy a home by myself to start rebuilding, there happen to be a small in-laws, quarters Attached to the home,but private from the main home., at the time I had opened up a vintage café but I saw the writing on the wall. It was a dying business. Fun but no income,, but I did start hearing about a new possibility with Airbnb in 2018 i didn’t know anything about it other than you can rent to strangers and make money, of course everybody thought it was crazy and scary to let these people into your home that you don’t even know, but the formula was on point as Airbnb screens the guest,collects the money and pays you the next day from arrival of the guest. I started meeting the most fantastic people! My first guest didn’t want to leave. I was hooked almost immediately and now I’ve just closed on my ninth B&B and have put my depression at bay I work hard to keep my mind and business in check. My latest bnb is in downtown Miami near where I grew up and helped my dad with his retail store. it is a special luxury, B&B I’m so excited to share at The Gale Miami . I even brought my two sisters in the business as well. If I was younger, but who knows I could really blow this industry up! I am a superhost with Airbnb, VRBO,Booking .for over seven years with five star ratings as a norm it’s not easy and you better love it because it will test you in so many ways. my motto is there is no place like Kasa karma homes that’s my company name. I still get super excited every time I get a reservation every day is something new different and thoroughly satisfying. I feel so good about giving people an awesome vacation and a great value. I have hosted over 3000 people. you should stay with me too

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The road has been definitely a mix of smooth and very steep declines. About a year ago I had a guest complain about a friend of mine who was helping me at the house she made a false complain, while I was on vacation myself. She caused me to lose my BnB Account I fought hard to get it back it was not easy. They’re not too forgiving on any complaints even if it’s from a person that has a very bad reputation & background. It had truly put me once again in a very sad state. I was not gonna let it get the best of me I fought back and got my account back in order once again started getting reservations.
Losing that momentum though, took some time to get back on track. There’s a lot of tricks and skills that are highly needed in this competitive industry. You are competing with hotels, seasoned host people with bigger better homes so you better have your A game on or you will not be successful. Another struggle I have found is just being too nice sometimes and letting people , come off the platform and stay in the home.That has come back to challenge me where people run out of money or choose to use the money for something else and do not want to pay me. So I have learned not to let that happen because I always like to help people,but you have to be careful. There are a lot of people that are able to take advantage and they will. there are times where there are no reservations and you think that it’s over nobody will ever book with you again so mentally you have to be very strong so that you don’t give up it’s worth fighting for, anything good always is a fight .

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
EST 2018 I am the proud Jewish single owner of nine vacation rentals from a Tiny House to luxury homes & Resort condominiums.I love the concept of karma and truly believe that what goes around comes around. With that being said there is no room for a crappy attitude or Excuses of not showing up and not giving your best effort. I come from the 60s where you did not get a trophy if you sucked, lol we had paddling, detention being yelled at was a norm. Those types of life experiences I believe made me who I am. I have been working since I was about nine years old at my dad‘s clothing store Panacuba in downtown Miami. Later on as I got older I cashier,,waitress for years always in the service industry, I always did better than everybody else at work mostly because I believed that being kind to others would come back to benefit you. I made the biggest tips biggest sales and grown my business on my own with my own style today. I got away from the Dream killers I truly believe be around people that believe in you that will bring you up and support your dreams. I often hear how people just love my energy and have learned so much from my post on instagram Kasakarma homes bnb my sharing of experiences and appreciate my honesty. What’s set me apart is that I will go above and beyond even if you’re only spending $25 in one of my beautiful homes. During Covid $25 that was my price and I still gave everybody a fantastic space and service, Covid was actually a very good time for me as all the hotels were closed. I would say what I’m known for is my creative eclectic style with vintage furniture mixed with modern. I have a very funky garden that displays all kind of figurines plants lights. People play iSpy to find all of the little characters throughout my magical garden. I want everyone to know they are welcome here I have hosted all genders nationalities from all walks of life. My bnb’s do not judge all are welcomed to my beautiful B&B’s very reasonable very cool very welcoming , you don’t have to go far or spend a fortune. You can have a staycation, and still feel like you’re so far away at one of my homes, all of them have a pool, tropical garden amenities and vacation vibes of course. They are private and well maintained and. I am an original artistic and styled I consistently upgrade, renovate. I’m addicted to, decorating for all seasons, there’s something new to enjoy always . Oh yeah and did I mention I just love people and meeting new people all the time it never gets old!! People are just so kind and interesting. It really is a wonderful for anyone that has these type of skills. PS I’m super artistic and I got a D in art in college so don’t let any teacher tell you you’re not creative. Don’t be afraid to color outside the lines.

Where we are in life is often partly because of others. Who/what else deserves credit for how your story turned out?
I have been very fortunate to have had some wonderful people in my life. One of my biggest cheerleaders is my mother. She has been there for me, especially when things went really down. She made sure to always call me pick me up and lift me out of my depression and encourage me to move forward and think positive during my difficult divorce and change in careers., she is a beaming light for me! My amazing 4 kids during A difficult time of the divorce have shown me love and their strengths, which makes me so proud. They have risen on their own and teach me so much about growth and survival . I have wonderful baby sister and great friends that I have had since high school who have been very supportive understanding and willing to listen to all of my ideas, they also continue to encourage me with positivity through tough times and good ones. We talk often. my oldest sister Rachel who brought me into the insurance business, was a mentor on how to be super successful and make money. I never thought I could. She is always fearless, creative, and innovative. It was a gift to have a mentor like that in my life I truly believed all the skills I learned as an insurance broker brought me to higher heights in my current business. I learn to negotiate and overcome many challenging situations. I have also been in a spiritual committed relationship for six years with somebody who is had my back always encouraged me to take chances and believed in me no matter what the challenge is,his name is Bobby. He is from Turkey and has been a wonderful boyfriend I am glad I have such great people in my life very blessed and Like they say, show me who your friends are and I will show you who you are surround yourself with great people to bring out your best I also want to dedicate the last B&Bs that I started to my dad, Isaac Franco A Jewish immigrant from Panama with just a few dollars and some dreams so happy I can continue his legacy Always in my ❤️ Heart

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