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Check Out Dr George Ackerman’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr George Ackerman

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Dr. George Ackerman (Sharon’s son) is from Brooklyn, N.Y. Now residing in Florida, he works in the fields of law, police, and education. George lost his mother, Sharon Riff Ackerman on 1/1/2020 due to Parkinson’s Disease.
George wanted to honor his mother and continue to help in the Parkinson’s awareness cause and did not know how to bring change. We started TogetherForSharon® as a family for the purpose of keeping my mother, Sharon Riff Ackerman’s, memory alive and to share the message of Parkinson’s Awareness and hope for a cure.
Today reaches thousands of individuals across the country for PD Awareness. George currently interviews individuals throughout the Parkinson’s community including various foundations, caregivers, and Parkinson’s warriors to help share their stories and causes.
I am on a mission, and nothing will ever stop me until there is a PD Cure…. nothing. Join me, share and we are a family in this mission toward a cure, always!
Author, A Son’s Journey from Parkinson’s Disease Caregiver to Advocate. To order your copy click
Also available in kindle/eBook and Hardcover at

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Awareness is not easy and I am only 1 voice.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
About Us
We started TogetherForSharon® as a family for the purpose of keeping my mother, Sharon Riff Ackerman’s, memory alive and to share the message of Parkinson’s Awareness and hope for a cure.

“We love you, we support you, we care about you, and you are never alone! I will advocate for you and together, our voices are STRONGER! And I am just getting started!”

TogetherForSharon® It’s a Movement…no one is alone in this fight! In memory of my mother, Sharon created to raise awareness and hope for a cure for Parkinson’s Disease.

We started TogetherForSharon® as a family for the purpose of keeping my mother, Sharon’s, memory alive and to share the message of Parkinson’s Awareness and hope for a cure.

TogetherForSharon® is not an organization or foundation on purpose. I am just one son, one voice who lost his best friend and mother due to PD, and I never want anyone to feel as alone as we felt throughout Mom’s battle. I created this website in memory of my mother for Parkinson’s Disease awareness & hope for a cure. We do not accept money or anything for our voluntary work. We do accept that no one is alone in this fight for a cure. We are a family in this cause, and until there is a cure, we still have work to do for advocacy! Some people in the world sacrifice for others and want nothing in return. Sending love and support always, Sharon’s son, George

It’s a Movement…no one is alone in this fight! In memory of my Mother, Sharon Riff Ackerman I created this page to raise awareness and Band together to find a cure for Parkinson’s Disease. You can support our efforts by following us on social media by clicking here. or email:

“One person CAN make a difference. One person CAN bring positive change.
I will never let my mother’s memory be forgotten….Sharon’s son, George

What’s next?
hope for a cure.

Contact Info:

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Suggest a Story: VoyageMIA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.

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